Hogwarts Legacy delays its release to February 10, 2023

Originally planned for the holidays of 2022, Warner has just announced terrible news for fans of Harry Potter. The long-awaited game Hogwarts Legacy sees its release date shifted to the beginning of 2023. However, after long months of doubts and waiting, we are finally entitled to a precise date. Half-hearted news, which hurts both fans and developers.

More and more in the video game industry, games are being postponed despite an already announced release range. Hogwarts Legacy is no exception, with a new release scheduled for February 10, 2023. This decision, just a few months from the initial release, is due to a desire by developers to perfect the gaming experience. If the latter seemed to be more than honest during its presentation last March, the images could be carefully selected so as not to show behind the scenes.

It’s still good news, however, that the game is only releasing a few weeks later. The last flaws and details shouldn’t be too hard to erase so that the experience is as pleasant as possible from launch. But this announcement also marks the occasion for Warner to confirm a release for the Switch. The date has not yet been announced but should be soon.

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