Hogwarts Legacy: Discover a new cutscene and details about the character editor

Months pass, but Hogwarts Legacy still does not seem decided to reveal its release date, while Warner Bros. announced to us that it would arrive during the holiday season. A somewhat vague period, and since since then the game has only shown itself in small bits, we don’t necessarily have anything to be reassured about. But the publisher continues its communication in dribs and drabs with a new cinematic which was shared during a presentation related to the Autodesk tool.

Still no date to get your teeth into

The purpose of this presentation was to show how the tools Autodesk Maya and MotionBuilder allow you to create cutscenes. We then see the protagonist and a classmate witnessing a session of abuse by unscrupulous sorcerers.

Later is a preview of our avatar customization that was shown. We can simply see one of the character editor menus, with several faces and outfits to choose from among pre-selected avatars. It’s not much, but in the absence of real communication from Warner Bros, we necessarily make do with what we have.

Not long ago, a leak regarding the collector’s edition of the game suggested that the announcement of the release date was closer than ever. We always hope so.

Hogwarts Legacy will be released on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and Switch at the end of 2022.

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