Hogwarts Legacy: FINALLY a release date but… not in 2022!

The terrible news has just fallen. No, you will not be able to play Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy over the Christmas holidays.

Hogwarts Legacy: An unexpected postponement… or almost

Some will say “I told you so”but it was actually safe”, others will be surprised as the communication around the game seemed to keep pace for some time. Anyway, the release date had still not been announced while the biggest games of the year like God of War Ragnarok and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet had already done so for a few weeks. Doubt therefore began to hover and Harry Potter fans to worry about. Like every week, we were to be entitled to a publication on the game but, unfortunately, this time, it was not a new gameplay video or an image of the castle that lit up our TL, quite the contrary.

As explained in the tweet, the development team needs more time to provide the best possible gaming experience. After all, how can you blame them when you know how highly anticipated this open-world Harry Potter RPG is? There is no point in rushing development, Hogwarts Legacy will probably be one of the best games of all time and Avalanche Software must probably be under monstrous pressure to release something that meets the expectations of the fans.

Some potterheads might feel betrayed when we know that lately, all official HL publications have been showing us a “end of the year 2022”, but we will have to be patient before we can walk through the corridors of Hogwarts.

For more details, you will find below a video message from the community manager of the game: Chandler Wood.

Finally a release date for Hogwarts Legacy!

It’s the February 10, 2023 that Hogwarts Legacy will eventually be released on PC, PlayStation and Xbox. On the tweet, it is stated that the Nintendo Switch release date will be communicated later. Although 2023 is clearly not what fans expected, we can at least be happy to finally have a real date for the title. Just have to wait now. And in the meantime, we can always make do with the few new images and videos that will be published by February.

Finally, if we were hoping for a date for December 6, 2022, we must reassure ourselves and tell ourselves that Hogwarts Legacy will be released only a few weeks later: in February.

Phineas Nigellus Black, the character creation editor, new cinematic… Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy still has no release date and yet information is flowing about it! During an hour-long internal conference, unpublished news was revealed!

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