Hogwarts Legacy: it will be necessary to come back later for the PS4 and Xbox One versions

Robin Lamorlette

March 07, 2023 at 10:55 a.m.


Hogwarts Legacy © Warner Bros.  Games

© Avalanche Software / Warner Bros.

Originally scheduled for April 4 on PS4 and Xbox One, the release ofHogwarts Legacy on these consoles is finally slightly postponed.

The Avalanche Software studio has indeed shared the news on the official Twitter account of the game, dragging it by a short month for altogether logical reasons.

In progress of Reparo on the old generation

While one of the most anticipated games of the year sold over 12 million copies two weeks after its release on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, Hogwarts Legacy is far from over. The school of wizards must indeed still welcome students from the old generation of consoles, including PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

In this regard, those who do not yet have a PS5 or Xbox Series will have to arm themselves with a little more patience before rubbing shoulders with this very solid title. Citing the need to polish the game on PS4 and Xbox One, Avalanche Software pushed the release ofHogwarts Legacy on the latter from April 4 to May 5.

This little extra month will allow the studio to make the experience as pleasant as possible on machines that are no longer very young.

A fate still uncertain

We can also wonder under what conditions PS4 and Xbox One players will benefit from their studies at Hogwarts. Even on PC (despite strong system requirements) and next-gen consoles, Hogwarts Legacy shows choppy performance, especially when loading distant textures.

Given the aging hardware of the previous generation, it will probably be necessary to expect significant concessions on the graphic quality or on the frame rate per second. And that’s not to mention the Nintendo Switch version, expected until further notice for July 25 and which will not go through the Cloud. Remember that on PC, the game requires 16 GB of RAM, even for 720p at 30 fps… while the Nintendo Switch only has 4 GB.

If we hope that the performance on the old generation will be less terrible than that of Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out, we are not immune to a potential unpleasant surprise. In any case, we hope that Avalanche Software will be able to do what is necessary to continue its dazzling and magical momentum initiated on February 10 on PC and new generation consoles.

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