Hogwarts Legacy or when a simple dorm becomes great news

The State of Play entirely dedicated to the next open-world RPG Harry Potter is fast approaching and communication speeds up on the developer side of Avalanche Software. Yesterday, for the announcement of the conference, PlayStation posted a short teaser with a wizard walking in a mysterious room and a statue in its center. We then imagine that it is a statue of Salazar Slytherin but nothing is less certain. Today, in a special tweet from the dev studio, a new image/video was shown.

Is the presence of accessible dormitories a good sign?

Obviously, we can suspect that in an open world like Hogwarts Legacy, all of the rooms in Hogwarts castle are probably explorable. But the communication around the game has been so minimized that the slightest new image is worth seeing. This time, we see a young wizard wearing a Gryffindor robe getting up from his bed.

Many questions then arise: can we choose the 4 other students with whom to live in this dormitory? Will there be a multiplayer concept where we can invite friends or create some kind of guilds? Can we personalize our room by changing the sheets, the decorations or even the objects at the foot of the bed? Or is it just a place to pass the time in the game? If we ask ourselves these questions it is above all because the recent mobile game Harry Potter Magic Awakened offers this kind of functionality.

A dormitory system like in Harry Potter Magic Awakened?

It is unlikely that Hogwarts Legacy will take over features from Magic Awakaned since the two games are respectively an open-world and an MMO. In the second case, the title offers several multiplayer mechanics such as rhythmic dancing, exploration of the forbidden forest or deck-building duels. So he is possible to choose a dormitory to live with 4 other wizards or witches and access many more features like those mentioned above. The player can modify his appearance, his style of dress, the decoration of his room, his pet or even access the common room of his house.

In short, this simple teaser of a few seconds is currently reviving the hype around Hogwarts Legacy and everyone is impatiently awaiting the State of Play this Thursday, March 17! We will obviously follow it assiduously and will not forget to feed our dedicated portal with unpublished images of the game and our theories.


Sony announced a State of Play entirely dedicated to Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy gameplay this Thursday. In the teaser, we then discover an unpublished image of a gigantic ancient statue. What can it represent? Founder Salazar Slytherin or something else?

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