Hogwarts Legacy will be available early for some players

Hogwarts Legacy will be available early for some players



Do not immediately jump on the PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo Switch pre-orders that have appeared on merchant sites for a few days, since a way to play Hogwarts Legacy in advance will probably be put in place by Warner Bros Games.

While it is still unknown when Hogwarts Legacy will be released on the myriad of media planned to welcome it, new information well hidden on the game’s official site has been unearthed, revealing an option to be able to access the wizarding world ahead of its official release date.

Although Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy still does not have a precise release date, we can however come back to its gameplay and the reasons that will make it the best Harry Potter RPG of all time.

No date yet, but…

72-hour early access to the game, for those who have the funds to purchase the deluxe version or the collector’s version of the game from Warner Bros. Games. In any case, this is indicated by the leak of the descriptive sheets of the different editions of the title, relayed by VGC. Given the huge expectation generated by Hogwarts Legacy, it is easy to imagine that many potterheads will jump on this offer without thinking twice. Please note that while pre-orders for the base game have been open for a while now, this is not yet the case for these higher editions: we will probably have to wait for a new trailer revealing the release date for this (we believe in it to death).

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy

The ultimate Harry Potter RPG?

To say that Hogwarts Legacy is highly anticipated is an understatement: it is probably the biggest expectation of the year for hundreds of thousands of people., since the aura of the Harry Potter license extends well beyond simple video game media. Promising role-playing in the wizarding world, with Hogwarts castle and the regions around it to be explored from top to bottom, it’s the fantasy of a good crowd of fans that will be satisfied with the release of this title. Hoping that its playful qualities match its promises.

Are you a Fantastic Beasts fan and can’t wait to watch the third installment, Dumbledore’s Secrets? Here are all the magical creatures from the Harry Potter universe that you can take care of in the game Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy!

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