Holiday check: When I enter the hotel bar in Mallorca, I am afraid of the rush

Can you escape the third corona wave in Germany to Mallorca? Opinions have been divided on this question for almost a week. While non-stop flights to Palma are expensive and hard to find, more and more Germans land on the Balearic island every day. Meanwhile, the criticism of Mallorca travelers is loud, it was one of the biggest controversial topics at the recent federal-state summit. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had then again warned against travel. The Essen virologist Ulf Dittmer had already said days ago: “I do not consider the situation in the Balearic Islands to be stable.” He would advise against traveling.

On the plane to Mallorca I feel queasy

Even before I arrive, I feel that the travelers should be given a feeling of security. The Spanish health authorities require a negative PCR test, which must not be older than 72 hours upon departure. In addition, all travelers must fill out a form with contact details and information about their state of health.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the airlines and airports have had a lot of time to install hygiene measures to make traveling as safe as possible. But is it really safe?

It is compulsory to wear a mask in the airport buildings and on the plane. Virologists like Bodo Plachter had warned that people behaved differently on vacation than at home. And I can confirm that selectively. On the plane to Palma, for example, two gentlemen in holiday clothes are chatting with their friends across the aisle – the masks are under their chins.

This is no trivial matter, after all, the plane is an extremely sensitive place. This is where the most difficult distances can be maintained. I feel a little queasy. Even though I know that the gentlemen also had to submit a negative test.

Early closing time and curfew push tourists into the hotels

When I arrived at the “Ballermann” on the beach in Palma, I immediately noticed how empty the streets are. No families with children, no drunk party tourists – the area is deserted.

A poster “SOS Tourismo” hangs on an apparently closed hotel. The crisis is omnipresent. Also in my accommodation. On the homepage it is nevertheless promised that the “well-being of the customers will be guaranteed”. “We want to convey trust and tranquility and guarantee you an unforgettable stay with us,” it continues.

Surf tip: You can find all the latest news about the corona pandemic in the FOCUS Online news ticker

At the entrance to the building and the dining room, every guest is checked with a temperature measuring device. That creates trust. However, the question arises as to how the suspected tourist rush at Easter or even in the high season should be managed. My hotel is currently not fully occupied, but the restaurant is well attended around 8 p.m.

This has to do with the fact that not all tables are fully occupied due to the distance rules, and some may not be used at all. And so one evening even a long queue forms in front of the hall. According to a hotel spokeswoman, guests are left in shifts for dinner to avoid maximum occupancy, but it doesn’t quite seem to be working yet.

After dinner, for a nightcap at the bar – many people have this thought. And so most of the tables are occupied when I get there around 10 p.m. I’m not surprised, because public restaurants and bars have to close at 5 p.m. Other shops close at 10 p.m. and you are only allowed on the street with a valid reason. The tourists have no choice but to have dinner in the hotel and drink a cocktail there.

Surf tip: Ballermann rules – how to avoid penalties on Mallorca vacation in 2021

In other words: More people romp around in a narrow space and this means that there are much greater chances for the virus to spread. Here the concept can quickly reach its limits if people in the holiday mood are no longer so easily “steered”.

According to the law, a mask must be worn everywhere in Mallorca, even outside. Only when the feet are stuck in the sand can they fall. In conversations with locals and tourists, I find out that this regulation is not understandable for everyone. Anyone who is caught disregarding the corona rules has to dig deep into their pockets.

The economic situation in Mallorca forces it to be opened to tourists

The pressure to reopen the island to tourists is huge. Because many locals are dependent on the industry and have lost their jobs completely in the course of the lockdowns or are on short-time work. Corona rescue packages and social security like in Germany do not seem to exist, as I learn in many conversations.

“Goodbye Germany” emigrant Caro Robens tells me that many locals have moved to live with their families on the mainland or other countries of origin because they could no longer pay the rent without a job. Another emigrant couple, Peggy Jerofke and Steff Jerkel, started an aid campaign for needy families. “The line at the food counter is getting longer and longer.”

Many Mallorcans rely on tourists to survive. And so they are dependent on their Corona concept offering enough security for the guests. My doubts remain.


The trips to Mallorca are also a thorn in the side of Chancellor Merkel. In an internal meeting with the prime minister, she said she would “move heaven and earth” to restrict flights to Mallorca, like the “mirror“Reported.

Merkel continued with the words that it could not be “that we are not able to prevent people from flying to Mallorca now, but in Flensburg we can enforce a 15-kilometer radius”.

More about Mallorca:

  • Because the risk status of the island of Mallorca has been lifted, flights from Germany are allowed there again. Since then, this has sparked a debate across the country, not just politically. The favorite island of the Germans actually relies on stricter rules than the Federal Republic – and has the pandemic better under control. Read more here.