Holiday meals: 30 grandmother's remedies to manage excess: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Grandmothers are on the rise! We can no longer count the books that appear on their health secrets, with recipes for herbal teas, ointments and balms, and 100% natural ingredients, without anything chemical … Indian grandmothers are also in the spotlight , as well as our ancestors of the Middle Ages, like the famous Hildegard of Bingen, who invented phytotherapy. Why not use their little tips to recover from festive feasts and get through the end of the year holidays more calmly? These gentle solutions can only do you good! And for good reason: in addition to being easy to prepare, they are effective and natural.

Post-holiday detox: natural and effective solutions

We know that the end of year celebrations often lead to digestion problems, because during this period, we tend to eat too much fat and in too much quantity. Result: your transit is disrupted and you feel bloated. To relieve your tummy, you can opt for fennel seeds or star anise.

To compensate for the excesses of the holidays and fight against fatigue, you can also bet on an infusion based on nettle. But that's not all ! There are still many other remedies from grandmothers useful and effective in this period: essential oils to treat minor ailments, magnesium to be in shape, or even black radish to eliminate toxins … all that remains is to make the choice that best suits your situation!

Discover the 30 special holiday tips for grandmothers

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⋙ Detox: the best strategies to gently purify your organs

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