Home remedies for a sore throat: that helps!

If the throat is itchy and sore when swallowing, home remedies for a sore throat will bring us gentle relief. We reveal the best helpers.

Sore throat: When the cold approaches

It catches us quickly, especially in the cold and wet season: Suddenly we suffer from difficulty swallowing, it scratches our throat, then we get hoarseness. A sore throat is often one of the first symptoms of an approaching cold. Viruses usually attack the mucous membranes and cause painful inflammation there.

The Best Home Remedies For A Sore Throat: What Really Works

Although the symptoms usually subside on their own after a few days, nevertheless in the meantime, home remedies for sore throats can provide relief. These tips help in a gentle way against a sore throat, without having to resort to lozenges from the pharmacy:

1. Gargle with salt water

Gargling with salt water was recommended as a simple home remedy for a sore throat even in grandma's day. Why? The salt-water solution can kill germs, Cleans the throat and makes the mucous membrane swell. For the gargle solution, mix a teaspoon of salt with 250 milliliters of water and gargle with it. You can repeat this five to six times a day.

2. Potato wraps and quark wraps

Which neck wrap helps with pain varies from person to person: Some people prefer warm wraps, for example with potatoes. These are boiled, mashed and then wrapped in a clean cloth. The wrap is fastened around the neck with a second cloth or scarf. Those who find cold rather pleasant should try a neck wrap with quark instead of potatoes as a home remedy for a sore throat.

3. Tea

Hardly anything is as good for colds and sore throats as a nice cup of tea. Various herbal teas can relieve the symptoms. These include:

  • Sage – has anti-inflammatory effects and soothes the mucous membrane
  • Thyme – stimulates the so-called cilia to cough up
  • Chamomile – like sage, acts against inflammation

4. Inhalation

Inhalation has a relieving effect on the airways, similar to gargling salt water. Certain essential oils and ointments, which the doctor can prescribe, are suitable for this. Simply put a few drops of it in hot water, place a towel over your head, bend over the bowl and breathe in and out deeply for a few minutes. You can find even more information and help on inhalation here.

5. Ginger and honey

Ginger and honey can make even the meanest sore throat go away very quickly. To simply prepare a ginger tea (preferably with a fresh root, but tea bags can also do it if necessary) and add some honey. Finished!

6. Warmth

We freeze quickly with colds because the immune system needs all of the body's energy to fight the pathogens. It is very important that we dress warmly if we have a sore throat or difficulty swallowing – especially on our feet. Because when we are warm, it stimulates the blood circulation – also those of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. This is how we get rid of cold viruses and bacteria quickly!

7. Chicken soup

An age-old tip that still has its justification: Chicken soup, preferably homemade, should always be on the menu if you have a cold with difficulty swallowing. It contains a protein called cysteine, which is said to have anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, a chicken soup balances the water and mineral balance.

Causes of a Sore Throat

But why do we have to deal with sore throats on a regular basis? In most cases, a respiratory infection is what causes a sore throat. Viruses in particular can trigger the symptoms. And there are plenty of them: Over 200 different pathogens are known that can cause a cold. So it's no wonder that every adult gets a cold on average two to three times a year, which manifests itself as a sore throat, cough or fever. The infection causes the inflamed mucous membranes to swell – including those in the nose and throat.

In addition to a classic cold, there are other possible causes of a sore throat. These include:

Important: With these diseases, home remedies for sore throats often reach their limits. The complaints should be treated in consultation with the doctor. Incidentally, environmental stimuli can also cause sore throats – these include, for example, cigarette smoke or air that is too dry.

When should I see a doctor with a sore throat?

In most cases, a sore throat is annoying, but rather as a harmless side effect of a cold. In this case, they can often be brought under control with home remedies for a sore throat. However, if certain other symptoms occur or if the symptoms persist for more than three days, a doctor should investigate the causes. These symptoms should be checked by a doctor:

  • high fever (from 39 degrees Celsius) for several days
  • severely swollen throat which, for example, restricts breathing
  • very severe sore throat that gets worse rather than better
  • in addition severe pain
  • Nausea and even vomiting

Can I also prevent a sore throat?

Since a sore throat is often related to a cold, it is most effective to prevent it. The best way to do this is with the following tips:

  • Strong immune system: If you exercise regularly (about three times a week for at least 30 minutes each), eat a balanced diet and make sure that you get enough sleep, you can do a lot for your body's defenses and prevent sore throats and the like.
  • Observe hygiene: Regular hand washing under running water and with soap should be a must. Anyone who uses public transport should not touch handrails if possible – or at least wash and disinfect their hands afterwards.
  • Drink enough: So that the mucous membranes do not swell and cause pain, they should be kept as moist as possible. The best way to do this is to drink plenty of water. A pleasant side effect: Viruses are flushed out of the body more easily.

Since there are so many different cold pathogens, unfortunately it is not that easy to really always stay healthy and to prevent sore throats, coughs and the like. If you follow the advice above, you will definitely get sick less often.

Reading tips: If you don't have a sore throat, see the article purulent tonsils for help. There are even more home remedies for colds in this article. Here we also explain how to treat a chronic runny nose and what to do if your nose is blocked or you have chills.

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