Home remedy for gastritis: 5 helpful tips!


A gastritis may be very persistent and unpleasant. We’ll tell you the best 5 home remedies for gastritis.

Home remedy for gastritis: 5 great tips!

  • linseed
  • Green tea
  • ginger
  • Small meals
  • Drink a lot

Home remedies for gastritis: symptoms and causes

Gastritis, also called gastritis, occurs when gastric juice presses against the stomach walls and the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed. There may be very different symptoms :

  • nausea
  • Pressing on the stomach
  • burping
  • bloating
  • burping
  • heartburn
  • No appetite

But why do we even get a gastritis? Causes can be, for example, too much stress or a poor diet. Even taken medications can cause the symptoms, such as nausea or heartburn.

In most cases, inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) occurs via the gastric germ Helicobacter pylori , but circulation of too much stomach acid can also be a cause. However, gastritis can also cause chronic symptoms . In particular, people over 50 suffer from it.

Home remedies for gastritis: The best 5 tips!

1. Linseed

Linseed protects the irritated gastric mucosa. Use best-cut seeds and take about two tablespoons in half a liter of water for soaking overnight. Then cook them up and try to drink plenty of the day.

2. Green tea

Coffee should be better left out with gastritis. Tea, on the other hand, is great for gastritis. Green tea contains many important antioxidants that take care of toxic cells in your body. People who regularly drink tea are also rarely visited by gastritis. Boil the tea at about 70 degrees and use six teaspoons of tea per liter of water.

3. Ginger

A gastritis can be very well with ginger fight. Due to the antibacterial effect ginger inhibits the inflammation. To get the most out of your gastritis health, take ginger chopped in combination with basil . Basil also has an anti-inflammatory effect and your pain should go back (like twice) with a daily intake.

4. Small meals

When food gets into our stomach, gastric acid is produced. If you have gastritis, you should eat small portions throughout the day so as not to overburden your stomach . Pay close attention to your diet by slowly kaust and listen to your satiety.

When it comes to nutrition, it’s best to pick vegetables and potatoes , and for breakfast, take some oatmeal , which you can use to make porridge. This also has a protective effect on your stomach lining. The contained protein can also neutralize the excessive gastric acid during gastritis.

5. Drink a lot

Especially with complaints on the stomach you should drink a lot, like three cups of tea a day . Otherwise, use still water , 1.5 to 2.5 liters a day. In addition to green tea, you can also use chamomile tea, fennel tea or lemon balm tea. In the case of gastritis, it is best to eat light foods such as rusks or the already mentioned oatmeal. Alcohol and coffee should be avoided while suffering from gastritis.