Homeless people in Switzerland – emergency shelter in the neighborhood – not a good idea? – News


In Olten there is resistance to an emergency shelter in the “Nobelquartier”. In Baden, on the other hand, it works, why?

There are emergency shelters in Switzerland, especially in the larger centers such as Zurich, Bern or Geneva. But smaller towns also have a need for accommodation for the homeless, says an association in Olten that has been planning an emergency shelter for years. The success of the emergency shelter in Baden in neighboring Aargau proves the association right. Nevertheless, the initial situation and implementation of both emergency shelters are very different.

The association Schlafgut is allowed to run an emergency shelter in Olten for two years. The authorities have given the green light for the test operation. But the house in which the emergency shelter is planned is in the “nobel district” Schöngrund in Olten. There were 18 objections to the project. Critics fear that homeless people could be staying in the neighborhood and also consuming drugs. It is still unclear whether the objections will be taken forward.


An emergency shelter in the middle of the district? The association Schlafgut in Olten is behind it, the residents are skeptical.

Bahram Alagheband/SRF

Andreas Brun, co-president of the Schlafgut association, says: “We have looked for many locations for an emergency shelter over the past seven years. Fallow land, real estate, and then a foundation came along that made this house available to us.” Olten always has homeless people who spend the night on the wooden bridge, at the train station or in underground car parks.

Day structures help in Baden

A few kilometers to the west, in Baden, the concept of an emergency shelter in the middle of the old town works well. The Hope Christian Social Work association has been running the emergency shelter there since 2019. There is a great demand for a roof over one’s head.

The location in the old town, next to the children’s playground, hairdresser, restaurants and shops, is not a problem, says Deborah Schenker, manager of the Hope association in Baden. “Sometimes the neighbors bring cakes or a sack of clothes,” she says.

houses old town


The emergency shelter in Baden (end of the row of houses, red window shutters) has been in operation in the old town for three years. Those in charge say things are going well together.

Bahram Alagheband/SRF

The Baden emergency shelter is set up differently than the one planned in Olten. In Olten people “only” sleep, in Baden there is also a restaurant and lounges for the homeless. They are allowed to help in the kitchen or in the service of the restaurant and thus receive daily structures. “We have over 40 offers, we work together, produce, sing, do handicrafts, do laundry, all under one roof,” says Deborah Schenker.

The concept has proven itself. The police rarely have to go to the emergency shelter, according to a request from the city of Baden. Day structures for the homeless are also welcomed by Jörg Dittmann, lecturer in social work at the Northwestern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences. The poverty expert finds that daily routines can give homeless people stability. “For residents of the neighborhood who are afraid of the homeless, it can be good to know where these people are cared for,” he says.

Olten deliberately wants “only” beds

The fact that only one sleeping place without daily structures is planned in Olten was deliberately chosen, says Andreas Brun from the Olten association Schlafgut: “There are additional structures in Olten. We want to work with them and not compete with them.” A professional management of the emergency shelter is also planned in Olten, which has to find a good way with everyone involved, including the residents.



The beds in the Baden emergency shelter. There is also a restaurant and lounges here. In Olten, on the other hand, only beds are deliberately planned, says the responsible association.

Bahram Alagehban/SRF

Now it is a matter of definitely securing the financing for the emergency shelter in Olten and finding the necessary staff. In Baden, after three years of operation, the canton is now contributing to the financing of the emergency shelter so that it can continue to operate.

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