Homemade lip scrubs, the most effective recipes

Just like your body or your face, your lips also need to be exfoliated. And for that, nothing beats natural! Discover our homemade scrub ideas for soft and silky lips.

In winter but also in summer after exposure to the sun, the lip scrub proves to be essential to soften the skin and eliminate dead cells. So, whatever the reason, when you feel like even your beloved lip balm can’t help you anymore – now you’ll know where to turn.

At the first tugs, don’t make the mistake of running to buy those products you’re used to – not only expensive, but also far from natural – which often only give the illusion of doing you good, but rather adopt the recipes and tips which we deliver to you below. Lip scrub with sugar and honey, exfoliating care with coconut oil but also nourishing balms, discover all our recipe ideas for homemade lip scrubs that are easy to make and super effective.

Lip scrub, what is it for?

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let’s start by better deciphering the importance of this too often forgotten treatment: the lip scrub. Although it is a particularly sensitive area, it does not escape the rule and when you see small unsightly dead skin appear there, it only means one and only thing: it is large time to exfoliate!

A nourished and hydrated mouth, smooth and satiny lipsa lipstick that lasts much better throughout the day, rediscovered comfort and softness, that’s what the lip scrub has to promise you. But all this you already know if you have already succumbed to it – and if you haven’t yet, then it’s high time to test!

When it comes to recipes, there are so many possibilities! Therefore, it will be up to you to choose which of them suits you best. For that, you will already have to try several, so here are three basic recipes to start – which you can try directly at home.

Homemade lip scrub with sugar and honey

Very simple to make, this first recipe is a great classic. To make it, you just have to mix in a bowl or in a glass a teaspoon of fine sugar at a teaspoon of runny honey. Sugar will allow you a natural and effective exfoliation while honey – best friend of all women’s beauty – will fill you with its purifying and moisturizing properties. Gently massage your lips with this preparation to observe the results.

Baking soda lip scrub

For this recipe, you will only need one and only ingredient: the famous baking soda (€1.90 on 1001pharmacies.com). Mix a tablespoon of the latter with a little water and voila! You will then obtain a preparation with a pasty texture and very fine grains that you can first leave on your lips for a few minutes, before gently rubbing everything in with small circular movements… Neither one nor two, your mouth live again! Rid of her little dead skin, she is softer than ever.

Coconut oil lip scrub

What a pearl this vegetable coconut oil (€11.95 for 500ml on amazon.fr)! Useful everywhere and for everything, it truly works miracles… And when it comes to exfoliating your lips, again, she is no exception. For this third recipe, you only have to mix a tablespoon of coconut oil, a teaspoon of honey and another of brown sugar. We advise you to add a drop or two of lavender essential oil, for an even more pleasant scent. Gourmet, colorful and edible, this natural preparation will satisfy you. Take a small amount, massage your lips then rinse and rely on coconut oil to do wonders.

In summary, there is nothing simpler than making your own lip scrub: a natural moisturizing ingredient, a natural exfoliating ingredient, it will not take more to give life to the perfect preparation! Now that you know how to make your homemade and natural lip scrub, it’s up to you to choose your ingredients and decide how to dose your recipe according to the needs of your skin. In order to keep lips very soft and hydrated, renew your scrub about once a week, and above all never forget: regularity is the key to your beauty.

The ingredients you need:

Alternatives to homemade exfoliation

If your neede scrub your lips urge and you unfortunately do not have the necessary ingredients to make one of these recipes on hand, know that there is a emergency alternative which can only be useful to you. To do this trick, all you have to do is head for your bathroom and bring your toothbrush (soft bristles). Start by moistening your lips with lukewarm water before coming to rub your lips with the tip of the brush… and then that’s it! Be careful all the same, this technique is really to be used in the event of force majeure because – while it turns out quite aggressive and irritating for your skin – its effectiveness is rather average.

Another scenario, if you simply can’t stand exfoliation itself, whatever its source (sugar grains, toothbrush bristles, or other) then that doesn’t necessarily mean that lip scrub is excluded for you. Indeed, you can simply turn to a much softer and just as effective option to say goodbye to these little dead skin cells that invade your lips: the hot water cotton method.
To do this, simply soak a cotton ball with hot water before wringing it out and placing it on your lips for a few minutes. Once the water and the heat released from the cotton have had their effect, the small skins will then be softened and you just have to gently pass the cotton over them so that they go away on their own.

So which of these recipes or techniques are you going to fall for? Anyway, once your lip scrub is done, never forget to go through the hydration stage !

Don’t forget hydration!

It’s a fact: in order to best complement the benefits of exfoliation, hydrate properly your lips before, after and all the time, is absolutely essential. And if to do this, you still turn to a recipe that is most natural, after all, it is in this type of product that lies the secret of your beauty, isn’t it?
Here are some tips that will help you make your homemade shea butter lip balm:
In a saucepan, melt 15 grams of shea butter (€8.70 for 100g on 1001pharmacies.com) in a bain-marie to which you will add 10 milliliters of sweet almond oil (€6.17 for 100ml on 1001pharmacies.com) and a drop of lemon essential oil (2.50 for 10ml on amazon.fr). Mix everything well and keep it in an airtight jar that you will keep close at hand so that you can apply it to your mouth as often as necessary!

The ingredients you need:

That’s it, now you have all the cards in hand, you can only wear pouty lips, smooth and soft as desired, and this, throughout the year! All this, without harming your health or the well-being of the planet… What more could you hope for?

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