Homeopathy for Colds • Belladonna, Thuja & Co.!

You feel weak, your limbs hurt and your nose is running: these are typical signs of a flu-like infection. Homeopathic single and complex remedies are a particularly gentle way to relieve the symptoms. What active ingredients are there and what cold symptoms they are used for.

An otherwise healthy adult must survive two to five flu infections per year. Some of them are harmless, then there is talk of a slight cold. The flu-like infection, which some people incorrectly call flu, is more aggressive: Typical symptoms are headache, runny nose, sore throat and fatigue. Fever may or may not occur.

To alleviate the symptoms, many people use homeopathic preparations. Among other things, these can promote self-healing powers and stimulate the body's own defenses, alleviate symptoms and stop the spread of the infection in the body.

Overview of article content:

Homeopathy for the common cold: 15 effective medicines

Strengthen the defense with homeopathy

The symptoms of a flu-like infection usually improve after a few days. Provided that you are gentle, sleep and drink a lot of water or tea. However, the self-healing powers can be actively supported. Homeopathic single and complex remedies can gently help the body to cope with the disease more quickly – without additionally burdening the body with possible side effects.

Complex agents contain several active substances, which are mutually reinforcing through their combination. In the case of cold complaints, they can also be used individually. Homeopathy is not only based on symptoms, but also integrates the nature and lifestyle of the patient.

Over-the-counter low potencies from the pharmacy are suitable for self-medication. If you are unsure which of the following homeopathic active ingredients you can use for your cold symptoms, you should get advice from a homeopathically trained doctor or alternative practitioner as well as pharmacists trained in homeopathy.

Strengthen the immune system with homeopathy

Strengthen the immune system with homeopathy

Painkiller with few side effects

Many doctors use conventional medical medicines such as antibiotics, cough suppressants and antipyretic to diagnose "flu-like infections". Not always the right way: Antibiotics only work against bacterial infections, but the majority of colds with infections of the throat and upper respiratory tract are viral. Other conventional medical preparations such as pain relievers and antipyretic with active ingredients such as acetylsalicylic acid or ibuprofen should not be used immediately in otherwise healthy patients. After all, fever is a natural response of the body to kill the pathogen. There are also various homeopathic pain relievers.

If the symptoms of the flu infection do not improve after three days, the way to the doctor should lead. The symptoms can also be caused, for example, by real flu, pneumonia or meningitis.

Homeopathic medicines for home medicine

Homeopathic medicines for home medicine

Runny nose: what helps with a stuffy nose?

A persistent runny nose lasts up to two weeks. The nasal mucosa is inflamed, breathing through the nose is difficult and it is difficult to fall asleep and sleep through. Runny nose, medically rhinitis, is a major symptom of the flu-like infection. The following active ingredients are used in homeopathic single and complex remedies for an acute runny nose:

  • Allium cepa (Onion)
  • Euphorbium
  • Potassium bichronicum: Use also with dry nose, sinusitis with headache, otitis media and other cold complaints
  • Loofah operculata (dried pumpkin fruit): also used for chronic dry nose, sinusitis and sore throat
  • Mercurius bijodatus
  • Nux vomica (Nausea): Also used for headaches, a tendency to cold and for the prevention of colds
  • Pulsatilla pratensis (Küchenschelle): Also used for headaches and otitis media
  • Thuja (Tree of Life): Also used for otitis media and dry nose

They are said to strengthen the self-healing powers, have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal mucosa and loosen stuck mucus.

For chronic colds, homeopaths recommend the following active ingredients:

  • Ammonium carbonicum (Hirschhornsalz)
  • Arum maculatum (Spotted Arum)
  • Hydrargyrum sulfuratum rubrum (Vermilion)
  • Hydrastis (Canadian turmeric)
  • Potassium bichronicum (Potassium dichromate)
  • Lemna minor (Duckweed)
  • Lobaria pulmonaria (Lungwort)
  • Phosphorus

Treat respiratory infections with homeopathy

The following active ingredients are used, among other things, to treat inflammation in the throat and throat:

  • Acidum arsenicosum
  • Atropa belladonna (Belladonna)
  • Bryonia (Bryony)
  • Cetraria islandica (Icelandic moss)
  • Chamomilla (Real chamomile)
  • Echinacea (Narrow-leaved sun hat)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum
  • ipecac (Ipecac)
  • Sodium carbonicum (Sodium carbonate)
  • Rhus toxicodendron (Poison Ivy)
  • Thuja occidentalis (Tree of Life)

Headaches can also be relieved by homeopathic medication

The head hurts with every step during a bad cold. Instead of taking a tablet, you can try homeopathic remedies, for example, preparations that contain the following active ingredients:

  • Acidum silicicum (Silica)
  • Atropa belladonna (Belladonna)
  • Bryonia (Bryony)
  • Gelsemium sempervirens (Yellow jasmine)
  • Melilotus officinalis (Clover)
  • Sodium carbonicum (Sodium carbonate)
  • Spigelia anthelmia (Tansy)
  • Thuja occidentalis (Tree of Life)

For more information, read the article on homeopathy for headaches and migraines.

Complementary medicine for cough

Extracts from deadly cherry and onion in homeopathic doses are used to liquefy stuck mucus, making it easier to cough up. The following homeopathic remedies can also relieve the symptoms of bronchitis in this way:

  • Bryonia (Bryony)
  • Causticum Hahnemanni
  • Coccus cacti
  • Cuprum aceticum
  • Drosera (Sundew)
  • Hyoscyamus
  • spongia
  • Sticta (Lungwort)
  • Urginea maritima (Squill)

Other homeopathic remedies for flu infections

The following active ingredients are also recommended by homeopaths against flu infections:

  • Aconitum napellus (Eisenhut)
  • Apis
  • Calcium carbonicum
  • China
  • Cinnabaris
  • Dulcamara
  • Eucalyptus
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum (Water hemp)
  • Potassium chloratum
  • Sulfur (Sulfur)

The following are used in particular to increase the body's defenses:

  • Baptisia
  • Bryonia
  • Echinacea tincture
  • Potassium chloratum
  • Silica

Five common uses of homeopathy

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