Homeopathy for the psyche • Relieve stress & worries!

Stressed, irritated or depressed? Homeopathic remedies for psychological complaints can make you more balanced and stabilize the psyche: which remedies are used when.

"Stressful at the moment" or "The boss is annoying": The impression quickly arises that most people are plagued by grief, worry and stress. If there is only an occasional irritable mood, problems falling asleep and staying asleep or stress, this is completely normal and part of life. However, if they become permanent and relationships and performance in the job suffer, action is required.

Homeopathic ingredients such as oats, valerian or passion flower can then be used. Over-the-counter low potencies from the pharmacy are suitable for self-medication.

Homeopathic remedies for young patients

Homeopathic single and complex remedies can have a positive effect on the following symptoms:

  • sleep disorders

  • Mood swings, upset

  • depressed mood, sorrow, worries

  • Stage Fright

  • mental strain

  • exhaustion

  • stress

  • irritable mood

  • Homesickness

  • disturbed eating behavior

  • sexual reluctance

  • Separation pain

A good work-life balance with homeopathy

Homeopathy can help you find a good work-life balance, become more relaxed and deal with problems more relaxed. The overarching goal: to bring mind, soul and body into harmony – without side effects. The holistic approach of homeopathy therefore includes not only the patient's physical complaints, but also his lifestyle and traits. Depending on the physical and character constitution, a different homeopathic medicine can be used for everyone.

Five homeopathic immediate helpers for acute complaints

Lifeline / Wochit

Your homeopathically trained pharmacist, alternative practitioner or homeopathically trained doctor will advise you if you are unsure which of the following homeopathic active ingredients is optimal against mental disorders.

An overview of homeopathic active ingredients and their areas of application:

sleep disorders

Mood swings

Grief, worry, depressed mood

Stress, irritable mood and exhaustion

Stage Fright

Sexual reluctance

Menopausal symptoms of the psyche

Disordered eating behavior

Homeopathy: 15 common complaints and which remedy helps!

Homeopathy: 15 common complaints and which medicine helps!

Peaceful sleep with active ingredients from nature

Problems falling asleep, difficulty sleeping through the day, tired and not recovering: More than half of all sleep disorders are heralds or accompanying symptoms of psychiatric illnesses. People with depression are particularly affected. In the case of severe sleep disorders, the following applies: go to the doctor if the suffering is very high and life is severely affected by constant tiredness during the day and restless sleep or lying awake at night. Mild forms of sleep disorders can be treated homeopathically.

Pasque flower against moodiness

A wrong word from your colleague or partner and already at 180? Mood swings not only create problems for the environment, but also for those affected themselves. They often regret the outbreak of rage the next moment and cannot really explain it. For more balance, there are the following active ingredients from nature:

  • Pulsatilla (Pasque flower)
  • Antimonium crudum (Black pebble shine; a mineral)
  • Silicea
  • Lachesis (Bushmaster; a species of snake)

Active ingredients from nature for lovesickness, homesickness, worries and depressive mood

No longer interested in things that would otherwise have been fun, constantly depressed and lacking in energy: if such a phase lasts longer than two weeks, this can indicate depression. Then the way should lead to the doctor or psychotherapist. However, a serious illness does not always have to be behind a bad mood: almost every person sometimes feels depressed and moody. This reaction is very natural after drastic experiences such as a separation or the death of a close relative. The experience takes time to be processed. Homeopathic remedies can be used to support forms of grief that are not pathological – such as homesickness or lovesickness. They should help to overcome grief, to accept changes and to find their way back in everyday life. These include:

  • Causticum Hahnemanni
  • Phosphorus
  • Argentum nitricum
  • Amber (for professional worries)
  • Sodium chloratum
  • Acidum phosphoricum (with lovesickness)
  • sepia (Octopus)
  • Staphisagria (St. Stephen's herb)
  • Ignatia (Ignatius bean; for homesickness and separation pain)
  • Capsicum (Peppers; for homesickness and separation pain)

Homeopathy for stress sufferers

Shortly after work for shopping, driving the son to training and at the same time organizing a big birthday party: Our everyday life is often full of activities. In the evening we fall exhausted on the sofa or – if it gets very late again – straight to bed. If we have more negative than positive stress, this can affect our body: There is an irritated mood and exhaustion. The following remedies are recommended for stress and the associated irritable mood:

  • Bryonia (Turnip)
  • Nux vomica (Crushed walnut)
  • Cocculus (Kockels grains – the dried fruits of the cocculus tree)
  • Zincum metallicum (Zinc)
  • Sodium chloratum (Table salt)
  • Chamomilla (Real chamomile)
  • Colocynthis (Colocin or devil's apple)
  • Aurum metallicum (Gold)
  • Acidum nitricum
  • Stramonium (Common thorn apple)

Stressful times often go with it nervous restlessness and exhaustion hand in hand. In contrast, homeopaths recommend:

  • Acidum phosphoricum
  • Potassium bromatum
  • sepia (Octopus)
  • Ignatia (Ignatius bean)
  • Zincum isovalerianicum
  • Cocculus (Kockels grains – the dried fruits of the cocculus tree)
  • Helonias dioica (Wrong grain)
  • Piper methysticum (Kava kava or intoxication pepper)
  • Avena sativa (Oats)
  • Passiflora incarnata (Passion flower)

Overview of relaxation techniques

Overview of relaxation techniques

Yellow jasmine and ink tree fruit against stage fright

The heart beats up to the neck, the hands become wet, the fear of failure grows: Shortly before the exam or a lecture, stage fright grips many. To get this or exam anxiety under control, homeopaths recommend the following active ingredients:

  • Anacardium (East Indian ink tree or Malacca nut tree)
  • Argentum nitricum
  • Strophantus
  • Silicea
  • Gelsemium (Yellow jasmine)

Homeopathics for sexual reluctance

Gentle help from nature against sexual weakness and lack of libido can offer the following active ingredients from nature:

  • Acidum picrinicum
  • Damiana (Turnera diffusa, plant)
  • Strychninum phosphoricum
  • Yohimbine hydrochloricum (Substance from the bark and leaves of the yohimbe tree)
  • Ferrum metallicum
  • ginseng

Remedies for menopausal symptoms

During the menopause, many women have to deal with symptoms such as restlessness, hot flashes, depressed moods and depressed mood. The following active ingredients can help:

  • Cimicifuga (Black cohosh)
  • Ignatia (Ignatius bean)
  • Sanguinaria (Canadian bloodroot)
  • sepia (Octopus)

Especially against sexual reluctance due to hormonal change in menopause be used:

  • sepia (Octopus)
  • Sodium chloratum

Homeopathic active ingredients against improper diet

It is not only young women who develop an eating disorder: men and older women can also be affected. Anorexia, bulimia or binge eating syndrome are serious psychosomatic disorders that need to be treated by a psychologist or psychotherapist. The following active ingredients can be tried to combat slight abnormalities such as frequent cravings, confusion or constant consumption of sweets:

  • Graphites (in case of cravings)
  • Calcium carbonicum (with constant feeling of hunger)
  • Antimonium crudum (Black spike gloss; a mineral; when eating together)
  • Lycopodium (Club club moss; with constant snacking)

Homeopathy: important remedies and their effects

Homeopathy: important medicines and their effects