Homeopathy for toothache • Natural help

Homeopathic medicines and tried and tested home remedies can help to avoid going to the dentist or to bridge the time until the next available dentist appointment.

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Homeopathic help for toothache

Those affected know that there can be numerous side effects with both prescription and over-the-counter pain medication. In addition, with pain relievers there is the risk of becoming dependent on the pain reliever directly or on the effect of the pain reliever. That is why many people are looking for alternatives in order to become pain-free when they have dental problems.

In the case of toothache, it is usually unavoidable to have the causes clarified and treated by a dentist. Homeopathic medicines can help with mild toothache and, in addition to dental treatment, can help relieve pain. They are free of side effects and can be combined with other drugs.

Homeopathic globules can also be used for teething problems in small children.

Which homeopathic remedies can be used for toothache?

If you want to choose a homeopathic remedy for toothache, you can choose between the most common and proven remedies. Select the remedy for yourself which has the main characteristics that best match your own feelings and your conspicuous symptoms. In the following list you will find a selection of homeopathic medicines that are frequently and successfully used to treat toothache.

The most common homeopathic single remedies for toothache are:

1. Aconite:

  • for pulsating toothache
  • for sudden, violent, shooting toothache
  • Teeth are sensitive to the cold
  • during a cold
  • the tongue burns or is numb
  • Aconitum is also helpful in the case of great fear of the dentist with bad premonitions and panic.

2. Arnica:

  • for pain after an injury
  • after tooth extraction (tooth extraction)
  • after dental surgery, with bleeding, swelling, feeling bruised
  • drawing or dull pain
  • also in the case of injuries to the gums or pressure problems caused by dentures as well as swollen cheeks

3. Arsenicum album:

  • metallic taste in the mouth
  • strong pain
  • burning pain
  • Feeling the teeth are too long

3. Belladonna:

  • throbbing, bursting toothache during a cold or from inflammation of the tooth
  • for sudden, throbbing or throbbing toothache
  • the affected side of the cheek may be red and swollen
  • the gums are deep red

4. Bryonia:

  • for stabbing toothache
  • dry mouth
  • bitter taste in the mouth

5. Calcium fluoratum:

  • with carious teeth
  • with inflammation of the gums

6. Chamomilla:

  • Pain during teething (for permanent teeth and also for children and infants during teething)
  • for inflammation during pregnancy
  • Impatience, irritability, and anger at the pain
  • Pain seems unbearable
  • Bad breath
  • one half of the face is hot and red, the other half is pale
  • a lot of saliva

7. Coffea:

  • stabbing, shooting pains that come and go
  • Cheeks are hot and red

8. Hepar sulfuris:

  • purulent inflammation
  • Desire for warmth
  • irritability

9. Hekla lava:

  • in chronic tooth decay
  • often there are eye inflammations or fistulas around the eyes
  • suitable after dental or maxillofacial surgery

10. Hypericum:

  • the most important remedy for injuries to dental nerves caused by accident or surgery
  • after dental treatment
  • pulling, radiating pain
  • Nerve pain
  • pulling, dragging pains
  • Pain radiates to the upper or lower jaw even though the tooth has been removed

11. Ignatia:

  • Teeth are extremely sensitive to touch and painful
  • Improvement from chewing solid foods

12. Mercurius solubilis:

  • acute toothache, which is particularly severe during the night
  • for inflamed tooth roots, ulcers and bleeding gums
  • Pain is pulsating
  • excessive salivation and bad breath
  • Slimy, swollen tongue with dented teeth

13.Nux vomica:

  • increased salivation
  • Toothache worsening from cold air, with a cold and after drinking coffee or wine

14. Phosphorus:

  • with bleeding of the gums
  • Bleeding after dental surgery
  • with secondary bleeding also from small wounds

15. Phytolacca:

  • Toothache with ulcerated tooth root
  • Pain after tooth extraction
  • the pain is relieved when the teeth are clenched

16. Silicea:

  • Toothache is accompanied by hot flashes and profuse sweating
  • after eating: burning or stinging in one or more teeth

17. Staphisagria:

  • suitable for toothache after stab wounds or cuts and operations
  • especially when the anesthesia wears off
  • irritability

18. Tuberculinum:

  • with increased tartar formation and nocturnal teeth grinding
  • prone to tooth decay
  • strong bad breath
  • noticeable sensitivity to pain and temperature
  • loose and loosely fitting teeth

Use of homeopathy for toothache

If you have selected a homeopathic remedy according to the rules of homeopathy, homeopathic pain treatment that you perform yourself should by and large be reserved for acute pain conditions. In the case of chronic pain that is part of a complex clinical picture, treatment should be carried out by a homeopath in cooperation with the dentist.

Treatment of toothache with homeopathic medicines is possible in people of all ages, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Without a dental examination, however, only pain should be treated for which a serious illness can be excluded as the cause.

Homeopathic medicines can be used in many ways. According to the rules of classical homeopathy, individual remedies are always used, which are available in the form of globules, tablets, drops, sprays or ointments.

In the case of acute toothache, low potencies (D4, D6, C6, D12, C12) can be used repeatedly. In the case of severe discomfort, it is possible to take globules (3 globules each) or tablets (one tablet each) for half an hour until pain is relieved. If you use a higher potency (for example 30 or 200), you should not use this permanently, but rather wait for the effect of a single dose.

Homeopathic treatment must be discontinued if there is no significant improvement over a longer period of time. If the pain persists for more than a day, or if it gets worse, people should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. If the pain then turns out to be harmless, it may be necessary to change the remedy.

Various homeopathic complex remedies are offered that are tailored to painful conditions. Depending on the manufacturer, different homeopathic remedies are mixed in different potencies so that a wide range of effects is achieved. These are well suited for self-treatment and are used according to the package insert.

Home remedies for toothache

Home remedies for toothache can be very helpful, especially on weekends or at other times when no dentist is available.

The following home remedies have often proven effective for toothache:

  • Cloves: The active ingredient eugenol is contained in cloves and has a numbing effect. In the case of a toothache, a clove can be bitten into pieces near the painful tooth. If a hole in the tooth is causing the pain, a clove can be carefully placed in the hole or as close as possible to it.

  • Tea tree oil and clove oil: The anesthetic substance eugenol is also contained in tea tree and clove oil. The oils also have a disinfectant, antiseptic effect and help with bacterial inflammation in the mouth.
    You dab a few drops of the oil on the sore tooth or massage the gums around the sore tooth with a cotton ball that has been soaked in tea tree or clove oil. Gargling with diluted tea tree oil is also an option.

  • Ice pack: As with injuries or bruises, cooling can provide relief from toothache. To do this, an ice pack, a cold compress or a damp cloth is placed on the cheek. The cold constricts the blood vessels, restricting blood flow and slowing down inflammatory processes. The cold also creates a kind of numbness. On the other hand, you should avoid warmth as this usually increases the pain.

  • Onion and garlic: The antibacterial effects of onion and garlic help reduce inflammation and pain. You can both put onion and garlic in your mouth and chew it near the painful area if possible, or wrap a chopped onion in a towel or handkerchief and hold it against the outside of the affected area.

  • Savoy cabbage leaves: Fresh savoy cabbage contains anti-inflammatory and pain relieving enzymes. By placing fresh cabbage leaves on the painful cheek, the pain can be significantly reduced within half an hour.

  • Tea: There are numerous types of tea that are said to have a beneficial effect on toothache. The tea can either be drunk or used to rinse the mouth. A mixture of two parts peppermint, four parts each of St. John's wort and lemon balm and a little quendel and valerian are particularly effective. But pure peppermint, sage and chamomile tea, as well as black and green tea, are anti-inflammatory and help with toothache.

  • Salt water flush: Mouth rinses with a highly concentrated, lukewarm salt water solution have a healing effect, as bacteria are pulled out of the infected area and uncomfortable tension in the soft tissue is released. The salt water solution is not drunk, but left in the mouth for a maximum of two minutes and then rinsed out.

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