Honestcouple: Couples share dark secrets on Instagram

#couplegoals, #truelove, #loveofmylife – on Instagram we mostly get to see the most beautiful sides of love. The "Honestcouple" account also shows the ugly reality.

Two radiant faces on a chic dinner date, a snapshot of a sweet kiss on the holiday beach, a couple selfie against a background of harmony and harmony – couples like to post such motifs on Instagram. Hashtags like #couplegoals, #truelove, #loveofmylife collect millions of different contributions, which ultimately all show the same thing: The perfect love. But just like the photos of well-trained, cellulite-free buttocks, stylishly furnished apartments and haute-cuisine-like lunches, they too pretend something that we should be careful not to take for granted …

Insta love is not real

What we see on Instagram are the most beautiful snapshots of a relationship, pictures that couples want to share – and sometimes that guarantees that some people put their motifs from A to Z. But the argument about the fact that it must be the mega expensive dinner date location again and not even the Italian around the corner, or the annoying grumble that he needs breakfast forever while she likes to be at 10 a.m. would have been on the beach – we don't see any of that on social media. And so the relationships of others via the app on our cell phone work harmoniously, lovingly, excitingly and passionately, while we always feel like we're sitting on the couch with our sweetheart and get our hair over little things.

Account shows the ugly side of love

The Instagram account "Honestcouple" is supposed to counter this illusion. On the page, couples share what strains them in their relationship, causes them to drift apart and is really busy in their #truelovestory. Among the around 400 entries, there are also some photos of celebrities such as Harry and Meghan or George Clooney and his wife, which are obviously neither genuine nor serious. But many of the posts with unknown faces sound authentic and much more like reality than "U make my life worth living #couplegoals" … or what do you think?

1. Football first

"When I asked him if he wanted to have sex, he replied annoyed: 'Babe, seriously? Football is on!' He'd rather watch guys beating up than coming inside me. That's the life I chose. "

2. Everything fake

"We broke up two months ago, but we're still posting happy couple photos of ourselves because we can't tell our families and friends."

3. Secret jealousy

"I often wonder which of his 'best friends' will be the next woman by his side after me."

4. Unsatisfied needs

"She's had no desire to have sex since our baby was born. I know her body literally exploded so my child could be born, but what about me?"

5. Relationship for the ego

"Everyone keeps saying how pretty she is. I'm not even sure I find her as beautiful as others, but I love that they think I can be with a super hot woman."

6. Dark secret

"I cheated on him when we were just a month together. It only happened once, so I never told him. I've been loyal to him for four years. I know it would hurt him a lot if I did it told him, but that's why I feel so bad every day, and since my feelings and emotional discomfort are ultimately more important than what he's going through, I think I'll tell him to get rid of it . "

7. Still not official

"We've been together for two years and he still says he doesn't want anything serious."

8. Secret fetish

"She must never know what porn I watch because otherwise she would know I lied when I said I was a feminist."
