Hopium launches a mini-series of videos to highlight its employees and expertise

Photo credit © Hopium

(Boursier.com) — HOPIUM, the cleantech which aims to decarbonize heavy transport, announces the launch of a mini-series of 8 videos on YouTube, designed to present the employees, assets and expertise that make up the strength of Hopium.

An immersion into the heart of Hopium’s know-how

This series, entitled “We are Hopium”, offers an exclusive look behind the scenes of the company. Through these 8 episodes, Hopium wishes to share the faces, stories and skills of those who contribute every day to the development of its fuel cell project for heavy transport.
Each video will highlight specific know-how, allowing you to discover the advantages and benefits of Hopium technology in various applications.

A series with clear objectives:
– Promote employees: Hopium’s employees are its greatest wealth, this series gives them a voice and highlights their passion, their commitment and their journey.
-Share expertise: Hopium will reveal the different expertise that makes it strong, from innovative processes to the cutting-edge technologies it uses.
-Strengthen proximity with shareholders, investors and partners: faithful to what has been announced, Hopium wishes, by opening the doors of the company, to create a closer link with its partners and shareholders, by showing with transparency and authenticity his steps.
-Address the market, by promoting unique know-how and technology adapted to the future needs of decarbonization.

The 1st episode, dedicated to “Customer-oriented design”, is already available on the official Hopium YouTube channel. The next episodes will be broadcast one video per week, every Thursday.

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