Hopium Reaches Final Milestone Before Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell System


Photo credit © Hopium

(Boursier.com) — Hopium announces the success of its road tests, marking a decisive step towards the commercialization of its innovative fuel cell technology.

The road validation tests were carried out on the UTAC circuit and from the first turns of the wheels, the battery system showed its robustness and made it possible to carry out test sessions without interruption. The validation program included dynamic cycles on the road circuit (strong accelerations and decelerations, vibrations) and tests on the speed ring (high speed, thermal cycles, good weather and rainy), corresponding to transport use cycles heavy.

These tests validate the operation of the Hopium battery system in a real environment, i.e. a TRL7 maturity level. This crucial milestone represents a significant step forward towards the company’s goal of providing a solution for the decarbonization of heavy transportation.

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