Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs are inspired by the goat moon on July 3rd

Buck moon in July
Which zodiac signs can benefit from the full moon energy?

© sarayut_sy / Adobe Stock

Halftime in the current lunar cycle: On Monday, July 3rd, a full moon will appear in our sky. He can inspire these zodiac signs in particular.

New month, new week, new energetic influences from our universe: On Monday, July 3rd, the current lunar cycle will reach its peak and halfway point – it’s full moon. Our satellite reaches the calculated peak of this moon phase at 1.40 p.m. our time, at this time the moon is exactly opposite the sun with the earth in between. Its sunlit side is then turned towards us, so that we perceive it as a luminous, complete circle in the sky. If we perceive it, which will certainly not be the case at 1.40 p.m. if we are hanging around in Central Europe. However, the moon also appears perfectly circular to our eyes on Monday night and Tuesday night – after all, we humans don’t have super vision.

The moon is a guest on Monday in Zodiac sign Capricorn, and he is making an ascending movement on this day.

Like every full moon, the July full moon has its own name in many cultures. In the Germanic region it is called Heumond, as it marks the time of year in which the hay harvest traditionally takes place. In North America, where nature has long been more important to the indigenous people than agriculture and economy, the name Buckmoon caught on due to the large number of roebucks that could be observed in July.

From an astrological point of view, the following zodiac signs can benefit the most from this hay moon, goat moon or July full moon.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs are inspired by the hay moon on July 3rd


This full moon in their sign strengthens Capricorns in several ways: On the one hand, it gives you a boost of energy that makes you feel motivated and resilient. On the other hand, the full moon brings you into an exchange with yourself: you are now clear about your needs and emotions and can react well to them. Overall, decisions are particularly easy for you during the new moon and you have great energy.


The Capricorn helps Taurus to focus on their priorities and goals and to act wisely and efficiently towards them. You’re making excellent progress because you don’t get distracted or cling to superfluous ballast. Your high level of efficiency and productivity makes you feel successful and balanced and, on top of that, you have enough time for the pleasant things – and people – of your life.


Virgos feel extremely relaxed and serene during the full moon. You are now much more optimistic than usual, see the good more often and become much less obsessed with small things and flaws. This, in turn, releases strength and energy within you that you can invest directly in what is particularly important to you: your loved ones. Now it is easy for you to be the person (for others) that you would like to be and that you are at your core at all times.

Sources used: mondrausch.com, timeanddate.de


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