Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs can face their past in June

These zodiac signs will catch up with their past in June

© Zolotarevs / Shutterstock

You just want to look ahead? The universe currently has other plans for three zodiac signs: They will face their past in June.

Looking back can be painful for some people. For some because it allows them to see what hurts have happened to them in the past, for others because they see what they left behind. Looking back makes many people restless or impatient because they are primarily interested in the future, which they can plan and shape, whereas the past is only suitable for contemplation. This, in turn, has a calming and welcoming effect on some, because when there’s nothing more they can do, they don’t have to. When else are we allowed to sit back and just look?

No matter what relationship and attitude we have to our past, it always has an impact on our present and future. Whether our behavior, our feelings or thoughts: A large part of what makes us who we are is shaped by our past and shows its traces. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we think we are responding to in the moment, when in fact we are responding to past experiences. In this respect, it is primarily a gift when the past reveals itself to us in the present. A gift that helps us to understand ourselves better and to redefine who we want to be and what we allow ourselves to be influenced by.

The following zodiac signs can prepare themselves for such a gift in June: The universe sends you a greeting from the past.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that face their past in June


Aquarians have certain inhibitions about taking themselves and their ideas seriously. They see their ideas as musings that are not there to be pursued or shared, but are primarily pastimes and creative gimmicks. In June, the universe offers you the chance to question your perspective and get to the bottom of its origins. Is there a chance that you have learned in the past that your dreams have no place in this world? Now is your chance to distance yourself from that lesson—and learn to respect yourself more.


In June, Leos come across testimonies from their past that remind them of strengths and abilities they thought they had lost. Suddenly you see and feel your past passions and motivations, look at the present with fresh eyes, and marvel at all that you have accomplished and built. With the visit from your past, the universe is primarily sending you gratitude as well as new strength and energy.


Sagittarians experience situations in June that sometimes agitate and challenge them – but they themselves feel that it is not just the current situation. You are currently an excellent observer, interested in learning rather than judging, and therefore see many things that others do not see. Or what you otherwise do not see. So you not only see your sore spots, but also the experiences they have inflicted on you. This is your chance to make peace with your past and face your present and future with renewed courage and even more freedom.

Horoscope: astromedizin.info, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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