Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs the solar eclipse on April 20th brings a realization

Total Solar Eclipse
The eclipse can bring important insights to these zodiac signs

On April 20, 2023 there will be a solar eclipse during the new moon.

On April 20th there will be a total solar eclipse during the new moon. We won’t see them in Germany, but we still get to feel them – three zodiac signs in particular.

In the course of the new moon on April 20th there will finally be another solar eclipse – this time even a total one. The moon, which is always between the sun and the earth during the new moon phase every 29.5 days, so that we can see its dark side not illuminated by the sun, crosses the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun this month and is therefore shifting actually in front of the sun from our point of view. And not just partially, but completely. At 4:37 a.m. the small celestial body begins to eclipse the central star of our galaxy, at 6:15 a.m., with the culmination of the new moon, the sun will completely disappear behind the moon – apart from a radiant ring that then surrounds our satellite – and at 7:57 a.m it’s all over.

However: In Germany we do not get to see this solar eclipse. Although the sun rises in Europe at this time of year in the crucial time window, the moon casts its shadow on a different part of our planet. Beginning southeast of the Cape of Good Hope over the Indian Ocean, the shadow migrates northeast along the west coast of Australia before finally disappearing into the Pacific. In Australia and large parts of Southeast Asia, the eclipse can be observed as a partial solar eclipse, as these regions are still covered by the penumbra of the moon.

We can still feel what we don’t see. According to astrologers, a solar eclipse can provide us with important insights as it directs our senses and attention to things that are usually hidden. At the time of this solar eclipse, the moon and sun are in the fire sign Aries. The following zodiac signs can experience particularly intense moments of enlightenment.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that will illuminate the solar eclipse on April 20th


In the course of the solar eclipse, Aries can gain important insights about people, both about themselves and about their environment. Suddenly you see your relationships with others very clearly and feel what intentions your fellow human beings have towards you – and what you wish for or promise from them.


The eclipse helps Leo to organize their priorities and see them more clearly. You are now stopping at exactly the right places and points in your life and questioning habits and routines that you were not even aware of before. A good opportunity to clean up your life.


Sagittarius supports the eclipse in illuminating and better understanding some of their thought and emotional patterns. You recognize the cause and reasons for your world view and interpretation of events and you see that you can change them if you wish. If you now take a moment to take a closer look, it can bring you a great deal of freedom in the future.

Sources used: ardalpha.de


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