Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs who have a really lucky week ahead of them

These zodiac signs have their best week starting January 24th

Horoscope from January 24th, 2022: A happy woman

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Venus and Mercury in retrograde promote self-knowledge and a sense of purpose. You can read here which zodiac signs the horoscope predicts particularly positive for the week from January 24th to 30th.

It’s that time again: The last week of January is ahead of us. This may frighten some people, but in others it inspires optimism and spirits. Here and there we look at the clock in the afternoon and are surprised to find that it’s almost the end of the day and we haven’t had to turn on the light yet. Some mornings we wake up and it’s no longer pitch dark. And when we’re outside, bundled up in thick layers and still rushing towards our destinations, we can at least say to ourselves: In just over four weeks it will be March and then spring will finally come. But yes, we can also be shocked: Yesterday we ate New Year’s Eve raclette and suddenly the first month of the year is almost over.

Astrologically this last week of January is dominated by the simultaneous retrograde of Venus and Mercury. The constellation favors discoveries within the framework of our self-exploration: sides of us that were previously hidden can now come to light. In addition, a planetary cluster in Aquarius this week encourages our creativity and spirituality, encourages us to think outside the box and lets us see things we are blind to at other times. According to the horoscope, the following three zodiac signs will particularly benefit from the astrological conditions from January 24th.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs benefit from the stars from January 24th


Capricorns discover unexpected powers and sources of power in themselves this week. To your own great surprise, you experience that discipline and ambition do not necessarily lead to the best results, but that a relaxed approach often goes further – and also feels even better. This realization can free and inspire you in the long term. If you manage to let them flow into your behavior.


Aquarians are generally very social people and always make sure that their loved ones are doing well and that they are there for them. However, this week you feel a strong need to devote yourself and collect yourself. This is a good opportunity to review your values ​​and goals and adjust them if necessary. What is really important to you in life? what is good for you Make that a priority and you won’t go wrong.


Aries will benefit from an energy boost this week, thanks primarily to Mars. You can now do anything you want, your strength and motivation seem almost limitless. The only thing that might give you trouble is figuring out what you really want – but with the support of Mercury and Venus there is a good chance that you will succeed.

Sources used: Brigitte two-week horoscope


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