Horoscope: 4 signs of the zodiac will be overtaken by their past in November

These zodiac signs catch up with their past in November

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In November, Mars conjunct Uranus favors encounters with the past that can spark fears and uncertainties. You can read here which zodiac signs are most likely to be affected by this according to the horoscope.

Some people might want to leave it behind, but our past actually accompanies us every step of the way. According to the horoscope, the following four zodiac signs will feel this particularly clearly in November.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs meet their past in November


According to the horoscope, Capricorns have an increased chance in November that they will meet someone from their past again whom they have not seen for a very long time – and that this person will now appear to them in a completely new light. Did you make a wrong judgment then? Has this person changed that much? And you? How much have you developed during this period? The encounter raises some questions in you and possibly sets off an emotional chaos for which you were not prepared.


In addition to the Mars-Uranus conjunction, Lilith, in his position for the Pisces watermark, favors an encounter with the past of a particularly unsettling kind: People around you give you the signal through their behavior that you cannot trust your feelings. You’re just imagining it, you’re exaggerating, how did you get the idea – Sentences like these open old wounds in you and can arouse profound self-doubts. It is of course easier than said, but please try to get away from this Gas lighting not to be thrown back and unsettled. Your perception, your feelings and your thoughts are relevant and valuable. You deserve to be heard and taken seriously.


Scorpios could experience some sort of relapse in November – a relapse into an auto-destructive habit, a mistake made again, a flare-up of an illness believed to have been overcome, something of that nature. If this happens to you, the past is trying to remind you of the lesson that you learned then. Which was that …? If you remember, you will be able to recover and heal again. This time probably much faster than before.


Despite the increasing darkness and the harbingers of their annually recurring winter depressive mood, Sagittarians feel a lot of strength and stability in their soul this month. You have matured and grown noticeably recently and have found out a lot about yourself – now you also recognize that you are carrying around baggage that you have never voluntarily loaded onto yourself. Beliefs that have taught you striving for achievement and ambition may have given you support and orientation in the past. Now, however, they primarily limit you and keep you small. Certainly it will not be easy to get rid of them, to part with patterns and habits, it will never succeed overnight. But if you are ready for it, you will make it – and afterwards you will feel freer and stronger than ever before.

Source used: Brigitte two-week horoscope


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