Horoscope: 4 zodiac signs that have difficulty showing feelings

4 zodiac signs that have difficulty showing feelings

These zodiac signs have a hard time showing their emotions

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Showing feelings takes courage. Not all people are ready for this. Some prefer to keep their emotions to themselves. It might be because of your zodiac sign. Because some zodiac signs often leave others with the impression of a certain coldness of feeling. If you want to crack these zodiac signs, you have to be harder than any nutcracker in the world!

We all have feelings. But not all of us want to show them. Some zodiac signs have built a wall around themselves over time that is not easily torn down. Which gives us the feeling that we are dealing with a block of ice. Sad but true, these four zodiac signs just can’t handle expressing their feelings.

These zodiac signs appear emotionally cold

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

Sagittarius is one of the extroverted signs of the zodiac. His positive attitude to life and thirst for adventure are contagious. These zodiac signs feel comfortable in company. However, when it comes to showing feelings, a Sagittarius would probably be labeled as introverted. These zodiac signs are not good at classifying their emotions. Showing weakness is difficult for a Sagittarius. He truly is one of those zodiac signs that are particularly good at hiding their passionate and intense feelings.

Aquarius (01/21 – 02/19)

Aquarians don’t let themselves be looked into their emotional world. Even if they actually have deep access to their emotions, they don’t turn them outwards. When emotions run high, these zodiac signs know exactly how to distract themselves. However, Aquarians can suffer from a particularly intense emotional experience months later without showing it.

Taurus (04/21 – 05/20)

A Taurus is overwhelmed with dealing with their emotions. This is due to the fact that Taurus are primarily mental people who would like everything to be in order. Security and stability are fundamental elements of an orderly life for a Taurus. This zodiac sign is more analytical than emotional. When Tauruses want to sort things out, they prefer to work things out on their own rather than confide in anyone.

Virgo (08/24 – 09/23)

Virgos are particularly practical zodiac signs. In order not to run the risk of getting caught up in emotional sentimentality, they carefully plan and organize each step beforehand. To avoid deeper emotions. Virgos are masters of self-protection. Feelings unsettle them. This objectivity sometimes makes this sign of the zodiac appear cold. First and foremost, however, Virgos only behave rationally in order to avoid arguments and conflicts, including with themselves.

4 tough zodiac signs that are very sensitive

Self-confident, unapproachable and controlled on the outside, but highly emotional on the inside – with these four signs of the zodiac there is a lot more going on emotionally than you think!


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