Horoscope: A great weekend awaits these zodiac signs from September 8th.

Weekend horoscope
New opportunities, new luck: a great weekend awaits these zodiac signs

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From September 8th All zodiac signs can look forward to days full of new opportunities. Three zodiac signs in particular are inspired by the cosmic vibrations.

Jupiter has been retrograde since September 4th and will remain retrograde until December 31st. This phase offers everyone Zodiac signs the chance to discover new opportunities for development, but also to let go of negative things and heal wounds and focus fully on the positive in our lives.

The weekend offers plenty of opportunities to use one or two moments for ourselves and reflect on what we are grateful for. But not only that, there are also inspiring impulses waiting for us that open up new perspectives and ideas. According to the horoscope, these three zodiac signs in particular are particularly inspired.

A great weekend awaits these zodiac signs from September 8th.


Jupiter offers Pisces the chance to rediscover themselves and develop personally. That’s why it’s time to listen to your inner voice and, above all, invest in yourself: A trip? A writing course? A coaching? Now is the time to discover your talents and use them. Cosmic energies support you in this and who knows what this will mean for you professionally.


Gemini can treat themselves to a creative break at the weekend to recover a little from the exertions of the last few days. Only then will you be able to receive new inspiration, rethink plans and let creative processes flow. This may result in a new idea or even a concept for a business idea.


Mediocrity was yesterday, now the time has come for Scorpios to achieve their dreams. To do this, you can take one or two risks and, above all, work confidently to implement your goals and interests. With the support of Jupiter, new opportunities for professional development, new starts and even love arise. Be open and curious, then new things can grow.

Source used: Brigitte horoscope


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