Horoscope: Are You Socially Intelligent? Your zodiac sign reveals it

Word has got around by now that people are social beings. We owe almost everything that defines our world today, to a large extent, to the fact that we join forces with other conspecifics – together we are just strong, hardly able to survive on our own. While this property makes it comparatively difficult for us to eradicate an aerosol-borne virus, by and large our sense of community is a superhero force.

How well we find our way around our social structure can, however, vary greatly from person to person. Some can easily integrate into almost any group and win over other people, others find it more difficult to adjust to their environment and to strike the right note. In order to be able to depict these differences, scientists have introduced the term “social intelligence”, which describes the ability to interact with others. According to communication expert Michael Thompson, socially intelligent people are characterized by the following five characteristics:

– SPACE for short. Just as everyone has a certain intelligence, we are all socially intelligent – just in different ways. You can find out how this important skill is typically found in your zodiac sign according to the horoscope in our gallery. (And by the way, you can read more about the psychological background and characteristics in our article on social intelligence)

Would you like to find out more about yourself and the other zodiac signs? If you are interested in relationships and partnerships, you can find out more in our partner horoscope. There you will find tips and information for all possible zodiac pairings. Would you like to know in general how the twelve types of zodiac act in relationships and what they need? You can read that in our love horoscope.

You might also find interesting what your moon sign reveals about you or what our ascendant calculator can reveal about your personality. You can also find out from us what the zodiac signs and the four elements have to do with each other. By the way: The illustrations in our gallery were designed for us by the Hamburg artist Corinna Chrachty. On your Website you will learn more about them and their work.
