Horoscope for Friday, April 3, April 2020 by Marc Angel: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Aries, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


In the human body, the Fire element is located at the level of the head. When Aries has an idea, he is quick to make it happen in the moment. An appropriate massage will regulate the flow of energies that separates the feet from the head. "The smile comes from the feet" (Chinese proverb). You measure the effects of these benefits on your body, your mind and your emotions. No more forecasts for the week, April and 2020

Taurus, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


We know the gourmet, Venusian, sensual and epicurean Bull. Libertinism is good practice to preserve the balance of the household. Make sure the taboos are at the end. Drop the armor, the mask of modesty, make your cheeks blush with pleasure rather than shame or confusion. Awaken the grain of madness that is within you. Mad with love, hugs, tenderness and pleasure. No more forecasts for the week, April and 2020

Gemini, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Your sense of adaptation helps you to become familiar with loneliness … on the surface. You will get to know it better by sitting in silence at home, facing a bare wall. Concentrate on the wall by emptying, lulled by the rhythm of your breathing. Feel how much tension drops as the trigger is installed. No more forecasts for the week, April and 2020

Cancer, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Whimsical Cancer? Let the laughter galore burst from all sides. When you get out of bed, bet to have fun several times a day, even provoking a joke or a joke to keep your promise. We often talk about your mood swings, make it good this mood with good effects on your trade as on your health. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Lion, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


You are said to be built of a block, ready to slice. Generalizing everything can be misleading. On the contrary, locate the qualities of some, the facets of others. The most pleasant experiences of your life have undoubtedly left you with a unique, memorable and very pleasant memory. While nothing foreshadowed him at the start. Bet there are unforeseen surprises to remind us that nothing is lost. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Virgin, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Virgo, the sign of the teachers. Today, is it from this unprecedented situation that we learn? Although you are the sign of education, accept the idea that you cannot change the other. Wanting to bend your entourage to your desires or your will proves fruitless. Replace the desire to control your loved ones with the attachment to making them evolve, the exchanges will become constructive and peaceful. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Balance, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Intuitive, Libra? Cultivate your gifts of medium by zooming in on the most positive flashes. Practice constructive divinatory gymnastics that allow you to move forward with confidence rather than give in to fate. Seeing the bright side of things, people and the future will reflect on how you approach this future that you are so used to dreading. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Scorpio, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


It's not easy to play down when you're anxious by nature. List the good times of the day. By promising to renew them for some of them. Before sleeping, you can also view the three best extracts of the day by trying to find the same feelings and emotions experienced earlier. A way to get your subconscious used to seeing life on the bright side. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Sagittarius, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Sagittarius must learn to channel his energies if he wants to remain Zen. Move well, eat healthy, think serene every day. By nature, Sagittarius is impulsive, even excessive. You have resources, use them with care and moderation to prevent them from drying up. As soon as an offset appears, hop refocus by opening yourself up to the world in full awareness. Through meditation for example. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Capricorn, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Like Cancer, Capricorn turns to the past. Cancer out of nostalgia, Capricorn with regret. Forget what you should or shouldn't say, do or not do. Ironing the film in your head is useless since you cannot replay the scene. You have imagination, put it at the service of your projects, your desires, your family and marital balance. Play "for" not "against" you "! More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Aquarius, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


Air Sign your moods are like the weather, unpredictable and changeable. An annoyance, the repetitive cracking starts with the nibbling of the first treat at hand. The appetite satisfied is the annoyance that arises before guilt. Calm the "emotional" belly with a real action to take in the moment (DIY, reading, hugs …). More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

Pisces, your horoscope of Friday April 3, 2020


The exchange is not easy in a confined environment. Have you assessed your level of communication with others? Easy, not easy, jovial, austere, what is first? Emphasize sociability by focusing on the situation itself before judging the other person or finding out what is said about you. It’s what you do together that matters. More forecasts for the week, the month of April and for the year 2020.

The influences of Moon today

Not easy to forecast in a period when it seems difficult to forecast. Also I suggest a zodiacal reading adapted to the situation. How the planets influence your life, in a limited space. How they affect your moods, your relationships with others. Rather than talk about the future, let me give you some clues to make you feel better today. And I hope, the days after. ⋙ Lunar horoscope for next week

See you Saturday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover the horoscope for the week, in which Marc Angel reveals you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the various signs of the zodiac. But also its forecast for April 2020 for all astrological signs, or even signs at TOP … and FLOPS this month. Also discover your spring horoscope and what the coronavirus planets say.

Read also :

⋙ Horoscope 2020: Marc Angel's forecasts month by month for all signs
⋙ Free Numerology 2020, year 4: Marc Angel's forecasts
⋙ Chinese Horoscope 2020, the year of the Metal Rat: predictions for all signs