Horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021 by Marc Angel: Current Woman The MAG

Find Marc Angel and a whole team of psychics on Current Astro Consult ' for a personalized clairvoyance session. Now let's take a look at today's forecast:

It's the season of Pisces! Sweet and calm weeks await you. Quickly find out which stars were born under this sign as mysterious as it is creative.

Aries, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Aries is never bored. However, on closer inspection, you can see how tired you are of going around in circles, unable to project yourself into the future. Routine wins you over and it makes you think it can undermine you. Trust your reactive nature to find the parade through innovative projects that will get you moving. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the weekly horoscope for Aries.

Taurus, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

You are right not to let anything go. Not necessarily to complain about what is wrong, but to point out every detail that could serve your projects or your interests. In negotiations, for example, it is in your best interest to get all the details possible to know where you stand and what part you can take from the situation. If you want to know more, the weekly Taurus horoscope should be of interest to you.

Gemini, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Mercury in Aquarius plays the messenger, bringing you happy news. The concerns with the administration seem resolved, a procedure finds a positive outcome. As for the increase that has been claimed and expected for some time, everything works together to ensure that you are satisfied. If you are self-employed, sales should pick up again. Want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope gives you a complete view of your energies.

Cancer, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Tahar Rahim (Cancer) is an exceptional actor, all the more exceptional as he cares about what part of him still ignores how exceptional he is. He has the humility to seek to improve himself. You have that talent too, of keeping other talents buried until life prompts you to pull them out and exploit them. The day has come to "wake them up". Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer Weekly Horoscope should please you.

Lion, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

It's not easy to advance your pawns when you come up against oppositions or minds of contradiction. Blame it on Mars (in Taurus), who interferes with the discussion whenever you talk about money or promotion. If the promises are kept, the fulfillment of the commitments seems postponed. Unconvincing, the reasons given have the gift of annoying you. Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied Leo Week just for you.

Virgin, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

With the arrival of the Sun in Pisces (your rival on the zodiac wheel), the planetary situation is changing and weakening your ego. You feel targeted, unloved, caught up with a feeling of incomprehension. Raised joyfully, morale weakens over the hours with the risk of suffering from insomnia from encountering opposition or the unspoken. For more predictions, check out next week's horoscope for Virgo.

Balance, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

With the arrival of the Sun in Pisces (your rival on the zodiac wheel), the planetary environment is changing and weakening your ego. You feel targeted, unloved, caught up with a feeling of incomprehension. Raised joyfully, morale weakens over the hours with the risk of suffering from insomnia from encountering opposition or the unspoken. Want to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Marc Angel, it's done!

Scorpio, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Mercury symbolizes communication. Despite complicated discussions, you will do more to maintain the dialogue than to withdraw into yourself by locking yourself in your bubble. Mercury is also a planet associated with movement. When morale plummets, take a break by going for a walk. Oxygenate your heart, body and mind. Need to know more ? Marc Angel also looked at the weekly horoscope for Scorpio.

Sagittarius, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

With Saturn, you can't go faster than music. Except that Mercury develops your reactivity to help you seize opportunities. Your mission is as follows: act, react, without ever cutting corners once the project is launched. You have fast intelligence, keen intuition, only activities evolve slowly but surely. What if we told you that there is an even more complete horoscope? To learn more about what's in store for you over the next few days, there's a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricorn, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Spotlight on your projects, accelerator to your career when the Sun enters Pisces. Amazing and warm, the meeting is illustrated by one or more rewarding proposals that you would be wrong to refuse. This does not prevent you from asking for a cooling-off period, at least to prepare yourself for possible negotiations. Before finalizing the transaction. To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly check out the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquarius, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Mercury has submitted an interesting offer to you, to study closely. A priori, the proposal comes from within following a discussion with your superiors. If you are looking for a job, the planet of communication highlights a possible reconversion. Why not through training to work in new sectors of activity? Are you a little head in the air and need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just check the weekly horoscope for Aquarius!

Pisces, your horoscope for Friday, February 19, 2021

Mars in your friend, Taurus, releases its energies, causing a happy snowball effect (this is appropriate, given the weather lately). An unexpected situation offers opportunities that benefit your career, strengthen your position or increase your income. Take the opportunity to direct your life in the direction of your desires and your business. Want to know more ? Discover the weekly horoscope for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days, with peace of mind.

The influences of the moon today

The First Quarter Moon merges its energies with Mars, the red planet, both in Taurus. A very interesting aspect that combines imagination (Moon) and action (Mars). In a sign as disciplined as Taurus, the association turns out to be productive. Inspiration gains momentum in the field and generates initiatives that are as creative as they are lucrative. A magical star that influences our energies, the Moon also has the right to its weekly forecasts, with the lunar horoscope for the week.

See you on Saturday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover your daily Chinese horoscope, as well as the weekly horoscope for all the astrological signs, in which Marc Angel reveals to you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

Read also :

⋙ February 2021 horoscope: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs

⋙ February 2021 horoscope: the signs at the TOP … and the flops

⋙ Monthly horoscope 2021: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs