Horoscope for Friday March 20, 2020 by Marc Angel: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Aries, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


You settle the debts before figuring out how to grow your bank account. In the workplace, the communication sector succeeds. Take the microphone, you will captivate your audience. Good negotiations promise good deals. Another asset, a charm to die for, which facilitates contacts and promotes meetings if you are looking for love. More forecasts for the week, March and year 2020

Taurus, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Mars in Capricorn animates the movement. Mobility, transfer to work, moving, travel on a personal level. The enthusiasm is there, you share it with influential people who help you develop your projects. We appreciate your company, your popularity plays a major role in the evolution of your career. Lots of friends around you, able to influence an encounter if you are looking for love. More forecasts for the week, March and year 2020

Gemini, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


The forecasts, as much as the discussions are nuanced. Lots of promise and excitement on one side, less commitment and a little disappointment on the other. Hence the interest in knowing who you are dealing with if you want to do good business. Compartmentalize projects, you will avoid dispersion in favor of greater concentration. More forecasts for the week, March and year 2020

Cancer, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Unable to reverse your decision. What is decided is assumed. Socially, your voluntary attitude appeals to your employees. Proposals are in danger of raining down with actions to be carried out within a team. Your practical and aesthetic sense makes the difference against the competition. Your artistic touch affixes a quality label on each of your projects. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Lion, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Instead of empty promises, you prefer written commitments. Your allies are fewer but safer. The proof is concrete agreements that secure the future and generate profits. Another master asset is good time management. You prioritize actions, optimize energy with a keen sense of organization. The future will confirm that you have the right choices. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Virgin, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Add the sensuality of Venus to your practical sense, you will be inspired to develop unique and artistic projects. To be completed with the effects of Uranus, which stimulate your desire to initiate yourself into new activities, both professional and leisure. Training is the master card to knock down to boost knowledge and strengthen skills. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Balance, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Productivity of ideas, competitiveness of projects, budget growth, the moral or financial crisis is behind you. In front of the mirror, our champion enjoys her victory, over herself and against adversity. The Moon flatters your ego by putting your artistic talents on the front page. You can choose from a wide range of activities. Go to the ones that inspire you. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Scorpio, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


You discover the pleasure of not touching the ground, from time to time. The mind in weightlessness, the head elsewhere, in you taste at all hours, the happiness of detaching yourself from reality. A method that is both useful and pleasant for decompressing. Bet on original projects. If they are not unanimous at the start, they will force admiration at the finish. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Sagittarius, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


You break with habits. Your curiosity of mind encourages you to knock on other doors to find an activity that meets your expectations. Charisma and competence ensure you gain the trust of your interlocutors. Same renewal on the heart side. Your initiatives delight your loved one. You break taboos, amaze him with your audacity. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Capricorn, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Jupiter breathes creative energy around you. Shyness vanishes under the impulse of your desires and your ambition to want to progress. You display a fierce desire to realize yourself by using different means of expression: art, aesthetics, attention to others. Saturn guarantees that you can reach your goal by supporting your efforts. They are worth gold. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Aquarius, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Do not be discouraged, focus your efforts. These two qualities are what keep your competitors at bay. You stay in the race when your opponents have already capitulated. If you are launching your business, showcase endurance and your talents. You will play the game in the lead, before being successful on arrival. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Pisces, your horoscope of Friday March 20, 2020


Your ideas are bright, although your Martian impatience may prevent you from realizing them. A position becomes available, immediately you imagine that it is for you. Likewise in love, rush the events as soon as the story begins. Chi goes piano, goes sano! Slow down the pace Clémence, you will target your priorities, better understand the issues. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

The influences of Moon today


The Moon feels very alone in Aquarius. Alone in an Air sign, while the other planets evolve into Earth and Water signs. Alone perhaps, but smiling. And confident. Optimism is the best way to resist the gloomy mood. Not overly optimistic, just the hope and confidence to believe in a better future.⋙ Lunar horoscope for next week.

Are you interested in the influence of the Moon? Discover the Apprentice Witch podcast! With each Full Moon and each New Moon, you have an appointment with a new episode of this free magic training. From now on, find the first four shows: # 1 The power of emotions, # 2 Our gifts to cultivate this year, # 3 How to become a solar woman, # 4 Mediumship and psychic powers.

See you Saturday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover the horoscope for the week, in which Marc Angel reveals you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the various signs of the zodiac. But also its forecast for March 2020 for all astrological signs, or even signs at TOP … and FLOPS this month.

Read also :

Amour Love horoscope 2020: Marc Angel's forecasts for all signs
⋙ Health horoscope 2020: Marc Angel's forecasts for all signs
⋙ 2020 work and money horoscope of all astrological signs by Marc Angel