Horoscope for Monday March 23, 2020 by Marc Angel: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Aries, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


A landmark event is happening today. In the sky and in your life. Saturn, the Master of Time (as in Fort Boyard) enters Aquarius, a friendly sign. Speed ​​like you, too. Saturn therefore teaches you to slow down. To put everything flat, to zoom in on your priorities. Without urgency and without dispersing, exercise the most essential of them effectively. More forecasts for the week, March and year 2020

Taurus, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


Beautiful alliances are formed in Pisces. First the Moon / Venus alliance. A melodious, harmonious aspect. Beneficial because romantic. The opportunity to strengthen ties with your spouse. Second zodiac gift, the vitamin and vitalizing effects of the Mercury / Uranus couple. Morale starts to rise again, the body follows up with energy. More forecasts for the week, March and year 2020

Gemini, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


You are not asking questions, and you are right. The Gemini-chameleon proves once again that it is able to take advantage of the situation. By releasing your imagination, to brighten up everyday life. His own and that of his loved ones. Your inventiveness and ingenuity in embellishing the present moment compels admiration. In the relationship and events department, you are champion. Sorry, champion (it was for rhyme)! ! ! More forecasts for the week, March and year 2020

Cancer, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


Having a vague soul is natural. Also do not feel guilty for failing to display a broad smile. It's your right to roach, to have morale in the third basement. Because it’s Monday that you would have liked to start the week on the wheel. And that you have to stand still. So, of course it does the drone. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Lion, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


The Lion knew better. And better period. Sorry to tell you that the next few days do little to encourage you to jump to the ceiling. Today, Saturn enters Aquarius, your opposite sign. If the opposites are complementary, you must first go through friction before finding a compromise. Frictions caused by pressure from those around you. Nervously exhausting. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Virgin, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


"A friend is both ourselves and the other, the other in whom we seek the best of ourselves, but also what is better than us" Joseph Kessel. And it is in the most difficult moments that the Virgin recognizes her true friends. They are here today, present and dedicated. Asking for their support is one way of showing them your friendship. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Balance, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


Monday, Libra has fishing. The mood rises to the sky, more than it tumbles down to the basement. You find how to bounce back and keep smiling. Bounce back by cultivating your activities like social ties in a suitable way. Keep smiling by winning small challenges as you take on the challenge. Do sports or lose a few pounds. Well done ! More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Scorpio, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


If the confinement is physical, you are fighting much harder to avoid moral isolation. Around you, communication goes bad. Unfortunately or awkwardly, with remarks that come at the wrong time and hurt you. Living in a tight space alongside someone or a few who are not always friendly is not easy. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Sagittarius, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


Calculator in hand, you try your best to keep your balance. At least limit the damage. The arrival of Saturn in Aquarius suggests that it will take time to improve your material situation. And replenish the boxes. Proof that time is money, and that you do well to spend every moment figuring out how to make money. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Capricorn, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


Venus comforts you. In Taurus, her sensuality is a thousand times stronger. So much the better, excess voluptuousness helps Capricorn to forget the sad reality. Real or virtual, hugs and kisses make you feel good. Even a smile exchanged with the neighbor or the neighbor opposite makes you happy. And make you smile again, with the desire to enjoy life to the fullest. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Aquarius, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


It’s a bit about you that the future depends on. You and the way you are going to manage the arrival of Saturn in your sign, at the moment when Mars is about to exert its most combative effects (the 31st). Saturn requires that you have endurance, persistence before you can hope to win. Which forces you to channel your punchy energies, to compete in the game without sagging or faltering. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

Pisces, your horoscope of Monday March 23, 2020


Hazards do not necessarily cause hassle. Chances are for Pisces the opportunity to take care of their own. From her darling too. To demonstrate a flawless attachment, to which you add delicate attentions that go straight to the heart. Give to give, free of charge. Hopefully we also give you back. You deserve to receive. Many. More forecasts for the week, the month of March and for the year 2020.

The influences of Moon today


Not easy to forecast in a period when it seems difficult to forecast. Also I suggest a zodiacal reading adapted to the situation. How the planets influence your life, in a limited space. How they affect your moods, your relationships with others. Today the Moon merges with Neptune in Pisces. An ideal configuration to unleash your imagination. And let the inspiration come. ⋙ Lunar horoscope for next week.

Are you interested in the influence of the Moon? Discover the Apprentice Witch podcast! With each Full Moon and each New Moon, you have an appointment with a new episode of this free magic training. From now on, find the first four shows: # 1 The power of emotions, # 2 Our gifts to cultivate this year, # 3 How to become a solar woman, # 4 Mediumship and psychic powers.

See you Tuesday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover the horoscope for the week, in which Marc Angel reveals you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the various signs of the zodiac. But also its forecast for March 2020 for all astrological signs, or even signs at TOP … and FLOPS this month.

Read also :

Amour Love horoscope 2020: Marc Angel's forecasts for all signs
⋙ Health horoscope 2020: Marc Angel's forecasts for all signs
⋙ Work and money horoscope 2020 of all astrological signs by Marc Angel