Horoscope: for or against? Your zodiac sign tells you which side you are on

Most people like to agree with others and have a hard time saying no – you might think. But everyday life shows time and again that there are such and such characters. Some people seem to be against it and have objections on principle. Regardless of whether it is about ideas, suggestions, opinions or trends.

Of course, both have their pros and cons: Being too uncritical and accepting every impulse is a good strategy for falling flat on your face on a regular basis – and in part not even because of your own aberrations, but because of strangers whom you meet connected too impartially. Always reacting with skepticism and an anti-attitude, on the other hand, means that you hardly have a chance to be positively surprised and to gain unexpectedly enriching experiences.

As is so often the case, a healthy middle ground and the greatest possible flexibility to make decisions on a case-by-case basis would certainly be the ideal. But as always, we do not achieve this alone, but only together – because fortunately there are such and such people. You can find out which zodiac signs you belong to in our gallery.

Would you like to find out more about yourself and the other zodiac signs? If you are interested in relationships and partnerships, you can find out more in our partner horoscope. There you will find tips and information for all possible zodiac pairings. Would you like to know in general how the twelve types of zodiac act in relationships and what they need? You can read about that in our love horoscope.

You might also find interesting what your moon sign reveals about you or what our ascendant calculator can reveal about your personality. You can also find out from us what the zodiac signs and the four elements have to do with each other. By the way: The illustrations in our gallery were designed for us by the Hamburg artist Corinna Chrachty. On your Website you will learn more about them and their work.
