Horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024 by Isabelle Elvira: Current Woman Le MAG

Marc Angel gives way to Isabelle Elvira for your daily horoscope on femmetemporel.fr and to Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas in the paper magazine, for your weekly horoscope.

Discover your horoscope for January 2024 now, for all astrological signs.

Ramyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives in Aquarius and marks a season of great freedom. This rebellious energy will awaken your social and friendly circles this Saturday, and relational exchanges may be necessary to regain your independence of mind and movement. You no longer have to be influenced or framed by a group. Empower yourself. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the horoscope of the week for Aries.

Bullyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives in Aquarius and marks a season of great rebellion. You will be tired of having to constantly deal with misunderstandings in your friendly and family circles. You are a listening ear and always compassionate, but all that energy spent helping others will seem a bit wasted. Come back to yourself and more reciprocal relationships. If you want to know more, the Taurus weekly horoscope should interest you.

Geminiyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun enters Aquarius to start a beautiful season of emancipation and you are protected to take yours: that of speaking, thinking and acting as you decide. Break your chains calmly, without confrontation, and become the free electron that we know you to be. Create whatever you want! Want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope offers you a complete vision of your energies.

Canceryour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun enters Aquarius and begins a season of revolution. It will be personal, forgetting the past that hurt you so much. Your little problems with trust in others essentially come from an old relationship and you will understand that it will be time to put it away. Free yourself from this link. Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer weekly horoscope should please you.

Leo, your daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives in Aquarius and a wind of freedom blows in your financial and romantic affairs. Lots of new projects are coming but you still want to move too fast. Take the time to discover these perspectives before seizing them, in your fiery impatience. A restart is within your reach, if you let the engine warm up properly. Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied the Leo week, just for you.

Virginyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives in Aquarius to start a season of great freedom, but you may want to relapse – with a past love affair or an old habit that is harmful to your health. Don’t go back after such great efforts to detach yourself and rebel against your outdated addictions. Move forward! For more predictions, check out next week’s horoscope for Virgo.

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Balanceyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun enters Aquarius and begins a rebellious and free season. Don’t wait another second to declare yourself to this new person you have honestly met. And, even if it has not yet arrived, the stars invite you to manifest it. Visualize your soul mate, you will be surprised to find that your expectations have changed considerably… For the better! Would you like to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Isabelle, it’s done!

Scorpioyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives in Aquarius to kick off a season of great freedom and you will be pushed to take initiative in presenting all your new ideas. Publicly or on your social networks, don’t miss the opportunity to be in the spotlight to express your talent or your message. Want to know more ? Isabelle also looked at the horoscope of the week for Scorpio.

Sagittariusyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun enters into harmony in Aquarius and launches a beautiful season of rebellion. You love this very free and liberated energy and might want to satisfy some kept secret fantasies. Under the covers or in writing, free yourself from your taboos and dare! To find out more about what the next few days have in store for you, there is a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricornyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives in Aquarius to launch a season of great freedom and you will be well inspired to reveal your most intimate thoughts and desires to your partner who will be pleasantly surprised. A burning fire hides under your ice and you will let it out for anyone who can reassure you. Let go ! To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly consult the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquariusyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun arrives overhead to celebrate your free and rebellious birthday season. Your energies are skyrocketing and could push you to spend more wisely. With your savings, your body or your words, you will open all the floodgates. Control yourself a little so as not to go overboard. Don’t drain yourself of your resources. Do you need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just consult the horoscope of the week for Aquarius!

Piscesyour daily horoscope for Saturday January 20, 2024

The Sun enters Aquarius and an energy of great rebellion reaches you to change everything in your life. Start by forgetting the past and free yourself from certain associations that influence you more than reason to finally come out of your shell, towards new horizons. It’s quite a program but you’ll get there! Want to know more ? Discover the horoscope of the week for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days with peace of mind.

See you on Sunday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover your Chinese horoscope as well as the horoscope of the week for all astrological signs in which Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas reveals the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

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