Horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021 by Marc Angel: Current Woman The MAG

Find Marc Angel and a whole team of psychics on Current Astro Consult ' for a personalized clairvoyance session. Now let's take a look at today's forecast:

Aries, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

Love … not even in a dream! The expression may seem trivial, familiar and not very nice to you, quite the opposite. “Not even in a dream”, this means that love is experienced, it vibrates, even today at the moment T. If you are waiting for it (this love), set out to find it . The more you move and look reality in the face, the more you will double your chances of meeting his gaze. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the weekly horoscope for Aries.

Taurus, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

You are lucky. The chance to take advantage of ideal zodiac conditions. Forget the crowds of planets in Aquarius, revel in the good effects of Mars and Uranus in your sign. The Moon in Pisces is also there, she brings to the joyful energies of her two friends, the dose of well-being you need to decompress and think of nothing. If you want to know more, the weekly Taurus horoscope should be of interest to you.

Gemini, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

This is a good time to make commitments, happier than serious. And the happier they are, the more likely they are to last. On the heart side for example, you feel so good in the arms of your loved one that you no longer want to move, even though you have refused to snuggle up until now. A sweet cocoon that you promise to never leave. Want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope gives you a complete view of your energies.

Cancer, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

The obvious voluptuousness, the radiant sensuality, you radiate love and beauty. A "loving" love, which irresistibly attracts. Who ? It is impossible to give you a name or describe the face of the suitor in question. But there is a heady fragrance in the air, to bring hearts together, to make people happy … hugs too, if your heart tells you so. Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer Weekly Horoscope should please you.

Lion, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

You find little tricks to get your messages across or do business. Your sense of resourcefulness, combined with an irresistible charisma, allows you to gain confidence. All you have to do is step into the breach and act as you please and as you wish, with the blessings of those around you. No desire to manipulate your little world, just slip through the cracks. Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied the week of Leo, just for you.

Virgin, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

Setbacks, delays, unforeseen events, setbacks … so many events that get on your nerves and your mood upside down. Certainly, you are not wanting to turn the table and send everything waltzing, but to bang your fist and demand an explanation, yes! At least to force those responsible for these inconveniences to find solutions and repair the affront. For more predictions, check out next week's horoscope for Virgo.

Balance, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

Libra breathes, she relaxes. What a pleasure to see you all smile, your face radiant, your mood bright. The influx of planets in Aquarius is beneficial. Remember, Aquarius is selfless. Knowing how useful you are to others fills your need to give, to share, to transmit. This is what makes you smile: being able to express your generosity in complete freedom. Want to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Marc Angel, it's done!

Scorpio, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

Our Sunday Scorpio bounces back. Whatever the situation, you always manage to capitalize on it or turn it in your favor. And if there is no solution, you discreetly turn your heels to look elsewhere to see if the grass is greener. No conflict, no constraint, no annoyance, flexibility and the ability to adapt. Need to know more ? Marc Angel also looked at the weekly horoscope for Scorpio.

Sagittarius, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

You go where the wind takes you, even if these days the wind doesn't take you very far. No travel far away, but sufficient means to get away from it all. Your desires are spontaneous, you make them come true by taking advantage of the present moment, by moving a little here, there, there. Small chip jumps that change ideas, boost morale and boost energy. What if we told you that there is an even more complete horoscope? To learn more about what's in store for you over the next few days, there's a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricorn, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

It is sometimes and wrongly said that Capricorn has no humor. It's wrong ! Do you know when you are the funniest? In love, in the boudoir, under the duvet and on the pillow. You laugh ? If you are laughing, it's because you think back to those moments full of fun and sensuality. It is very likely to find its content, flavor and good humor again today. Or very soon if you are single. To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly check out the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquarius, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

Take advantage of the accumulation of planets in your sign to refuel. Match your vitality with the opportunities that life is attached to offering you right now. Anecdotes, furtive contacts, little details of nothing but which do a lot of good if you put them end to end. Like pieces of a puzzle to put together to fuel your destiny. Are you a little head in the air and need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just check the weekly horoscope for Aquarius!

Pisces, your horoscope for Sunday, February 14, 2021

You have nothing to fear, a good reason to take creative initiatives, more daring than in the past. Take the entrepreneurial power! Dare to dare! Risk risk! Do not hesitate to seek the support of your friends to help you boost your projects. Your motivation and your confidence will convince them to join your projects from the start. Want to know more ? Discover the weekly horoscope for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days, with peace of mind.

The influences of the moon today

It's Valentine's Day! We talk about it so much that you will allow me not to talk about it. My gift of love to me … which I offer wholeheartedly to those Valentine sometimes forgets. The Moon in Pisces is generous, humanistic, it diffuses its good vibes by reminding us that love is everywhere, that it takes other form than a one-on-one or a nice gift. You just have to open your heart to recognize it. A magical star that influences our energies, the Moon also has the right to its weekly forecasts, with the lunar horoscope for the week.

See you on Monday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover your daily Chinese horoscope, as well as the weekly horoscope for all astrological signs, in which Marc Angel reveals you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

Read also :

⋙ February 2021 horoscope: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs

⋙ February 2021 horoscope: the signs at the TOP … and the flops

⋙ Horoscope month by month 2021: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs