Horoscope: For these zodiac signs, things will go up steeply from the summer solstice

For these zodiac signs, things will go up steeply from the summer solstice

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On June 21st is the summer solstice and according to the horoscope it marks the beginning of a real high-altitude flight for the following zodiac signs.

As the name suggests, the summer solstice marks a turning point in the year. On this day, June 21, the sun is at its zenith over the tropic in the north, i.e. perpendicular. That is why it rises particularly early and sets particularly late for us in the northern hemisphere. After the summer solstice, sunrise and sunset will slowly shift towards the middle of the day until they reach their other extreme at the winter solstice in December, because then the sun is at its zenith over the tropic of the tropics.

Some people feel slightly melancholy about the summer solstice because they feel like things will go downhill from that day on. But from an astronomical point of view, June 21st marks the beginning of summer and before the dreary winter weeks really come, we still have plenty of time. So there is really no need to be melancholy. For the following zodiac signs, according to the horoscope, the summer solstice actually marks the beginning of a particularly pleasant phase of life this year.

Horoscope: For these zodiac signs, things will go uphill from the summer solstice


For Aquarians, the summer solstice is a big step towards self-discovery and development. The sign of the air is now ready to break away from certain habits and ideas that have given it a hold for a long time, but also slowed it down in its further development and realization.


From the summer solstice, Lions become very rich, but completely fair, and rewarded for their hard work and hard work over the past months and years. Now is the time to harvest the proverbial fruits of the labor, and they will be sweet and juicy. As you can see, it pays off in the long run to believe in something and stay true to it when it feels right. Even if nobody else believes in it.


Scorpios have gone through the most stressful and conflicting phases of their year, from now on harmony, understanding and success will dominate their lives. Developing together and growing together is the motto for the rest of the summer in the area of ​​private relationships. Professionally, the stars predict a lot of appreciation and brilliance.
