Horoscope for Thursday, January 4, 2024 by Isabelle Elvira: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Marc Angel gives way to Isabelle Elvira for your daily horoscope on femmetemporel.fr and to Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas in the paper magazine, for your weekly horoscope.

Discover your horoscope for January 2024 now, for all astrological signs.

Ramyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, your planet of action, arrives in Capricorn to talk to you about career. How and why do you want to reach the top of this mountain or join a vocation? You will be invited to observe what really motivates you and if the game is worth the effort. Become a manager of your own life by setting your expectations. But above all, capitalize on your strengths so as not to risk burnout. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the horoscope of the week for Aries.

Bullyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and your sociability awakens. Your comfort zones risk being seriously disrupted by the arrival of new people and new connections in your life. Professional contacts or on your networks guide you towards new and unprecedented horizons. As you charm everyone today, people are asking for you high and low. If you want to know more, the Taurus weekly horoscope should interest you.

Geminiyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and immerses you in your deepest emotions in order to transcend them. Others might be very surprised because you have decided not to make any more sacrifices. You will finally find the determination, patience and confidence to heal your wounds, whether physical, psychological or emotional. Want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope offers you a complete vision of your energies.

Canceryour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn at your opposition and talks to you about organization. Become the manager of your life and finally start thinking about the long term. What do you want for the future? Even if you bounce back quickly and know how to improvise, in love too, you will need to define a plan to reach the finish line. Establish a strategy to follow your ideal. A commitment may be required. Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer weekly horoscope should please you.

Leo, your daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and could help you finally have your status recognized at work. Your management skills will improve and the composure with which you went through the previous year will be noticed. If you are self-employed, real profits come and they are not just financial. You have managed to raise the bar, continue! Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied the Leo week, just for you.

Virginyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and offers you perseverance as a good resolution. It will help you assert yourself in all areas of your life. Your vulnerabilities, even physical, are sometimes a reflection of your slight lack of self-confidence. Do you know assertiveness? Readjust your communications to finally say without fear what you want. For more predictions, check out next week’s horoscope for Virgo.

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Balanceyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and offers you its sense of strategy. A certain amount of discipline is necessary to follow your big career aspirations. On your sleeping hours, your rhythms and also on your relationships. Like justice, lay down your own laws of the heart and ask for reciprocity or compensation if you are in divorce proceedings. Would you like to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Isabelle, it’s done!

Scorpioyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, your planet of action and desire, arrives in Capricorn and strengthens your determination. You will need it at work where you may have to make up for your colleagues’ mistakes and cover-ups. Your integrity is a great quality and if you uncover fraud, it will be time to expose them with force and honor. Don’t be fooled again. Want to know more ? Isabelle also looked at the horoscope of the week for Scorpio.

Sagittariusyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and calms the ardor of your big heart which beats a hundred miles an hour. Have you fallen madly in love or do you want to offer everything to your partner? It’s a beautiful energy, but be careful not to give too much. The stars wish you serious and committed to your career even if this romance makes you grow wings. To find out more about what the next few days have in store for you, there is a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricornyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives overhead and protects you all month. Excellent financial and personal results are within your reach if you no longer waste your time with conflicting, hidden or simply unsatisfactory emotional relationships. Protect your energy. Like a sherpa, you have a beautiful mountain to climb to the most beautiful peaks. To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly consult the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquariusyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and pushes you towards the future. Stop focusing on your past failures because they slow you down. Things are not moving fast enough for you at work and in your private life because perhaps you keep looking back. The important thing is not where you come from but where you are going. Think about movement, forward. Do you need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just consult the horoscope of the week for Aquarius!

Piscesyour daily horoscope for Thursday January 4, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, arrives in Capricorn and brings you good financial news. It was worth it not to let up your effort and to wait with faith and perseverance because in your work or in your social environment, you are finally recognized. You are not dreaming, the wheel is turning in your favor! It will be time to prove to others, but especially to yourself, that you were right. Want to know more ? Discover the horoscope of the week for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days with peace of mind.

See you Friday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover your Chinese horoscope, as well as the horoscope of the week for all astrological signs, in which Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas reveals the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

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