Horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024 by Isabelle Elvira: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Marc Angel gives way to Isabelle Elvira for your daily horoscope on femmetemporel.fr and to Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas in the paper magazine, for your weekly horoscope.

Discover your horoscope for January 2024 now, for all astrological signs.

Ramyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, your planet of action, could make you a little excessive today, between misplaced jealousy and possessiveness. Resist your urge to make a little scene with your partner who can’t keep up with your energy changes. One day he’s the love of your life, the next day your greatest enemy. Single, an explosive encounter is in the air. Keep your cool. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the horoscope of the week for Aries.

⋙ New Moon of January 11, 2024 in Capricorn: it’s time to make plans!

Bullyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, energizes this day which brings many emotional changes. A reconciliation and the end of a relationship blockage could happen before coffee and if you are still single, a meeting in an unexpected place is always on the cards. Keep your eyes peeled! If you want to know more, the Taurus weekly horoscope should interest you.

Geminiyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, offers you a very active but also very impulsive day. Be careful not to overspend your energy, money and physical resources. You risk exhaustion if you don’t take the time to eat lunch and take a breather between two files. Want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope offers you a complete vision of your energies.

Canceryour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of libido, offers you a very exciting day. Far from codes and conventions, you could decide to add a good dose of spice to your emotional and sexual life. To discover new fantasies or meet a passionate person, everything is possible. Buckle up, it’s going to rock! Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer weekly horoscope should please you.

Leo, your daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the impulsive planet of action, will push you to give a lot of resources to others this Tuesday. Your time, your energy but also your money will slip through your hands. Even if your kindness is nice to see, only invest in reciprocal projects and relationships. Don’t forget to receive too. Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied the Leo week, just for you.

Virginyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, is on your side this Tuesday and always delivers great energy. Now is the time to focus on your most ambitious and challenging professional projects. You will be able to move many mountains with your great determination. For more predictions, check out next week’s horoscope for Virgo.

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Balanceyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, wishes to energize your friendly life and offers you great sorore and fraternal joys this Tuesday. Your allies are strong supporters and you might even decide to team up to work together, if you haven’t already. Form your gang! Would you like to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Isabelle, it’s done!

Scorpioyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, your ardent planet of desire, electrifies you for a commitment or a declaration, it’s up to you to choose. Crushes will be legion today, if you don’t try to impose your will on others. Get out of control and trust the clinch. A tactile person may make advances towards you. Want to know more ? Isabelle also looked at the horoscope of the week for Scorpio.

Sagittariusyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the very dynamic planet of action, takes you under its wing today, shouting to you: Resist, prove that you exist! Your defense mechanisms are sometimes useful and you will surely have to protect your territory or your body against a little flu. Set your limits. To find out more about what the next few days have in store for you, there is a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricornyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of desire, offers you passion on a silver platter this Tuesday. As a couple, you might want to arouse your partner’s jealousy to bring a little spice back to your relationship. Natives who are still single may encounter an important encounter. Let yourself be coveted. To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly consult the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquariusyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the planet of action, offers you a vitamin bar and its energy to perk you up if your body has been a little tired lately. More dynamic, you will feel in full possession of your means but do not run into burnout. Know how to measure your efforts to last over time. Do you need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just consult the horoscope of the week for Aquarius!

Piscesyour daily horoscope for Tuesday January 9, 2024

Mars, the beautiful planet of desire, makes you very sexy today and you will seduce without forcing in front of the coffee machine. Even if you don’t feel like it these days, appreciate these signs of attention with humor. You get noticed and that’s always nice. Want to know more ? Discover the horoscope of the week for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days with peace of mind.

See you on Wednesday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover your Chinese horoscope as well as the horoscope of the week for all astrological signs in which Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas reveals the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

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