Horoscope from April 16, 2022: 3 zodiac signs that are enchanted by the pink moon

“Pink Moon”
3 zodiac signs on which the Easter moon has a magical effect

On April 16, 2022 we can look forward to the so-called “Pink Moon”, which is also known to us as the “Ostermond”.


During the holidays we can experience the Easter moon in all its glory. We explain which signs of the zodiac particularly benefit from the “Pink Moon”.

Saturday, April 16, 2022 is full moon. That means: Halftime in the current lunar cycle. In the evening, at about nine o’clock (8:57 p.m.), our Moon is directly opposite the Sun as seen from Earth, allowing us to see its illuminated, sunlight-reflecting side.

From April 16, 2022: The “Pink Moon” provides surprising energies

In German-speaking countries, the full moon in April is traditionally called the “Ostermond” because it usually falls in Easter time – unless Easter time falls in March. The Algonquin, a people originally from Canada, christened the April Moon “Pink Moon” in honor of the pink phlox flowers that bloomed in their homeland at the time. According to the horoscope, this year’s “Pink Moon” has an extraordinarily intense effect on three zodiac signs. You can see what they are in the video.

Sources used: mondrausch.com, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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