Horoscope from February 16th: 3 zodiac signs have a surprisingly great weekend

Finally the weekend again
These zodiac signs will have a surprisingly nice weekend starting February 16th

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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – and so it’s time for the weekend again. You can read here which zodiac signs can look forward to particularly beautiful days this time according to the horoscope.

This weekend, the Aquarius energy in our cosmos is reaching a little high: After the Sun and Mercury have been in the air sign for a few weeks, the love planet Venus will join them on February 16th. This can make our intimate relationships a little wilder and more chaotic than we are used to, but at the moment such variety is good for us. Plus, Aquarius-Venus offers the chance to connect with others on a higher mental and spiritual level – and who would say no to that?

The moon is waxing relaxed at the weekend and is predominantly in the air sign Gemini. The following According to the horoscope, zodiac signs have the best prospects for a particularly wonderful time due to the overall constellations in our cosmos.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that have a surprisingly nice weekend


Aquarians are receiving energy from everywhere this weekend. Whether you go shopping, clean the apartment, go on a trip or relax with your loved ones, you find something invigorating and strengthening in every activity, without you actively looking for it. With your thoughts you make the world around you a beautiful place that you enjoy being in and that you can fully engage with.


At the weekend, Gemini can use the power of the moon to perceive and classify feelings within themselves that have been preoccupying and subtly burdening their unconscious for a long time. In this process you can recognize what you want and what makes you particularly happy in your life. The beauty of this realization will be: You already have around you a lot of what you see now.


Sagittarius feels extremely comfortable with all the wild Aquarius energy on the weekend. Now you can especially enjoy trying something new and letting things come to you – and mindlessly saying yes to what comes your way. You have enough strength to deal with any consequences that may arise. You can save yourself the hesitation and planning for this weekend. The universe and your intuition will surely guide you.

Sources used: astromedizin.info, mondrausch.com, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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