Horoscope: Lunar eclipse on May 5th – these zodiac signs benefit the most

Lunar Eclipse on May 5th: Which Zodiac Signs Can Benefit the Most?

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We can even watch the lunar eclipse on May 5, but some people will feel it clearly according to the horoscope: You can read here which zodiac signs are most influenced by the eclipse.

When a lunar cycle begins with a solar eclipse at the new moon, in most cases a lunar eclipse follows at the subsequent full moon. And the current cycle is no exception. While we didn’t get to see the solar eclipse on April 20th in Europe, we’ll be able to see a bit of the moon eclipse this coming Friday, May 5th. Depending on the location, from 8:30 p.m. part of the moon, which is actually fully lit, will be darkened by a shadow that will have disappeared again about half an hour later. This shadow comes from the earth, which at this point in time moves between the sun and the moon and thus partially interrupts the light that the sun falls on the moon. In southern Germany, the eclipse can be observed earlier than in the north: in Munich it is worth looking at the sky from 8.30 p.m., in Hamburg it only gets exciting from 9 p.m. Since this time the moon is not in the umbra, but only in the penumbra of the earth, the shadowed part of our satellite does not appear completely black, but rather greyish – if you don’t look closely, you could miss it.

From an astrological point of view, the upcoming penumbral lunar eclipse, like any eclipse, is very interesting: it can bring to the surface what usually lies in deep obscurity. She can answer questions we didn’t even ask. A lunar eclipse can bring things to light, especially in our emotional world, that we otherwise do not see or understand. In this full moon phase, the moon is in the water sign Scorpio and can have a positive influence in particular on the following zodiac signs.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that will particularly benefit from the lunar eclipse on May 5th


The lunar eclipse gives Aquarius valuable insights to make an important decision. You can now see and feel very clearly where your strengths lie, what your priorities are and what demands you place on life. That, in turn, is all you need to know to be sure of your path – regardless of what others think about it.


For Virgo, the eclipse gives you a new perspective on yourself. For a brief moment, it’s like seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes – and the image you get is vastly different from the one you’re familiar with. Your mistakes appear smaller and more likeable, your efforts and good intentions appear larger and more lovable. The best thing you can do is try to look closely at this new, unfamiliar picture and keep it in your memory. You don’t have to change to match him. Changing the perspective is enough.


Scorpios reveal the full moon and eclipse in their sign the cause(s) of a certain personality imprint that goes back very far and is deep-seated. Sometimes you have felt trapped in that pattern in the past, but until now you have lacked the understanding to break out of it. Maybe the lunar eclipse can bring it to you. In the long run, it would give you more freedom and flexibility.

Sources used: timeanddate.de, fr.de, mondrausch.com


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