Horoscope: The Mars-Leo transit on June 11th will give these zodiac signs new strength

The Mars transit in Leo on June 11th gives these zodiac signs a lot of strength

© NASA images / Shutterstock

On June 11th, the bundle of energy Mars changes to the zodiac sign Leo. You can read here who will particularly benefit from this according to the horoscope.

No wonder that many people are currently in such a good mood: At the moment, one major astrological event is chasing the next. Starting with the retrograde of Mercury, which began at the end of May, through the librids at the beginning of this week and of course the solar eclipse on Thursday, the planet Mars will change from Cancer to Leo on Friday, June 11th. And so concentrated power meets concentrated power.

The planet Mars has a particular effect on our willpower and assertiveness. He’s a great motivator and cheerleader who encourages us to believe in our dreams and stand by our passions. The real allies of Mars are Aries and Scorpio, but in the fire sign Leo the planet unfolds a strong effect, which we mostly feel as energizing and positive. According to the horoscope, the following zodiac signs can particularly benefit from the transit to Mars on June 11th.

Horoscope: The Mars-Leo transit on June 11th gives these zodiac signs a lot of strength


In the course of the transit of their ally Mars, Aries feel that it is time to hand over tasks in order to free up the capacities for the implementation of new ideas. Why do it all alone when there are people who are capable and trustworthy and to whom you can delegate? New challenges and projects will now spark enthusiasm and fire. In love, too, it promises to be passionate and emotional as a result of the Mars transition.


Under the influence of Mars, Leos experience a boost in motivation, energy and creativity in their sign. Pluto does get in the way and urges self-criticism, but that too can be healthy – and save from exaggeration. In order to make as much as possible of the upswing that Mars is now bringing, it is advisable to consider where your own prios are and what really means something in life. This is where the energy is best invested – and will generate the greatest profits.


The Mars transit gives the Scorpio a lot of vigor. The watermark feels light and elated and wants to tackle things now instead of thinking endlessly. At the same time, Mars sharpens his mind and his view of the big picture – which reveals that not every decision can be made immediately and that waiting here and there is the better choice. But it doesn’t matter: After all, there are enough areas in which vigor and zest for action are required and ideally appropriate.

Sources used: questico.de, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope
