Horoscope: The new moon on August 19th gives wings to these zodiac signs

On the night of Wednesday, August 19, there is a new moon. You can read here which sign of the zodiac it sends positive energies according to the horoscope.

New moon is more the underdog among the moon phases – no wonder, after all, our dear earth satellite appears comparatively inconspicuous on its stage in the night sky at new moon. While the full moon typically arouses deep emotions in many people, the new moon usually strengthens our rational side and brings order to our emotional chaos – and sometimes that's exactly what we need … In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, August 19 our satellite is in the new moon in the zodiac sign Leo. We'll now reveal which zodiac sign he sends out particularly positive vibes from there.

Horoscope: The new moon on August 19th gives wings to these zodiac signs


The lion's fire and passion can sometimes be very troublesome. But this time the new moon actually lets the fire sign cool off a bit and see things even more clearly than usual. You can now see exactly what makes you happy in your life, what you want and what you can do to achieve it yourself – and that gives you a boost in motivation because you can do you a whole lot. It's crazy that sometimes you have to put out a fire to rekindle something …


Because of all the ideas and visions, you don't know where to start? Don't worry, the new moon will help you with that! In the next few days you will be able to set priorities and concentrate on one thing better and better. This will allow you to make good progress and finally be able to put some of your plans into action. Just don't let yourself be distracted or unsettled by what is currently lying around. There is still time for that later – the next new moon is sure to come


In the course of this new moon, the Scorpio will benefit from a particularly useful insight: that we are all always best when we are relaxed and comfortable. Right now you have no problem at all with caring for yourself and attending to your needs. This way you are balanced and have a positive and calming effect on your surroundings. In addition, as a result, your performance and energy curves are at a high level. Maybe you can keep the knowledge – even if the new moon is over at some point.