Horoscope: The new moon on June 10th gives wings to these zodiac signs

The new moon on June 10th will give wings to these zodiac signs

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On June 10th there will be a solar eclipse in the course of the new moon. You can read here which zodiac signs particularly benefit from this event.

Normally, the new moon is more of the underdog among the moon phases – but this month is its time to shine: Because on June 10, the new moon brings us an annular solar eclipse.

Basically, the new moon is the darkest phase of the moon, because our satellite is located between the earth and the sun during this time, so that we only get to see its shady side – and it appears to us almost invisible in the night sky. Normally the sun shines “above” or “below” the moon unhindered, but this month the moon’s path crosses that of the sun, so that the satellite obscures the star of the stars in our gallery. At least partially, and 89 percent, because due to its currently great distance from the earth, it seems too small to us to completely darken the sun. At the height of the new moon or the solar eclipse, at 11.42 a.m., a radiant sun ring forms around the dark disc of the moon – at least from the point of view of the earth.

The entire spectacle takes place in the zodiac sign Gemini, where both the moon and the sun are located on this day. According to the horoscope, this very special new moon in June has a very positive and inspiring effect on the following zodiac signs.

Horoscope: The new moon on June 10th will give wings to these zodiac signs


Gemini offer a new moon and solar eclipse in their sign a prime opportunity for self-knowledge. Discovering and pursuing hidden talents and abilities now appears to the Air Sign as the most natural and important to-do of all. Finding a healthy dose of self-reflection and inspiration from outside is largely a success for the twins – but listening to their own intuition, even if that requires deviating from plans, is essential for this.


Libra feel relaxed, liberated, relieved and finally ready to shape their lives according to their own ideas and values. The new moon helps the air sign to separate itself from old ballast and close with chapters that have made it cling to the past. Optimism and confidence are now two reliable drivers and integral parts of his emotional world.


Sagittarians give new moon and solar eclipses an extra portion of strength and energy with which they can fulfill a very special heartfelt wish. The fire sign now clearly feels what is missing, but knows just as well how to remedy this deficiency. The strength of the Sagittarius to see the big picture and to grasp the essential connections at a glance will do him considerable service now, in the restructuring of his life and in the fulfillment of his dreams.

Sources used: news.de, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope
