Horoscope: These 3 zodiac signs need to be there for others

These 3 zodiac signs need to be there for other people

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The horoscope news in Brigitte ticker: These zodiac signs need to be there for other people +++ These zodiac signs mostly talk past others +++

Horoscope 2021: All information and news about the zodiac signs

February 4th

These zodiac signs need to be there for other people

Of course, we all have to be there for ourselves and take care of ourselves. But the following zodiac signs typically have a lot of strength to (also) take care of others.


Despite all the spirituality and although it sometimes seems as if Aquarius lives in his own world and does not notice what is happening around him: The air sign has very fine antennae for his fellow human beings and always an open heart. Especially for people in need, for minorities or people who can only stand up for themselves to a limited extent, Aquarius usually works with passion and commitment. And as a rule, he does not only do good for them, but also for himself.


Pisces typically have a very strong empathy, they actually empathize with their fellow human beings. In this respect, it is only understandable that they care and work to ensure that others are well – because only then will they find their peace. That being said, due to its sensitivity and creativity, the watermark has a knack for building up or catching others. And after all, doing something that you are good at has never damaged your self-confidence.


Libra generally draw a lot of strength from their social life, especially when it is determined by harmony. And they usually feel responsible for that, because they have a high diplomatic talent. In this respect, it is generally understandable in the interest of the air sign to work for the well-being and conflict-free coexistence of those around you – as long as it does not completely forget to take care of its own.

February 2nd

Three zodiac signs that mostly ignore others

Communicating is such an art in itself. The following three zodiac signs may well have a talent for this – but this often doesn't really go down with others …


Cancers do not lack empathy and empathy, nor do they lack attention and interest in their fellow human beings. However, it is sometimes a little difficult for them to focus and to get clear for themselves what they actually want to say. This is understandable when you have such a complex and extensive emotional world as the watermark, but it often stands in the way of successful communication.


Lions love to talk! Most of the time they are funny, quick-witted, eloquent and even manage to tell long stories to the end without being interrupted. However, when it comes to listening …, male representatives of the fire sign in particular have a hard time. Lions typically get bored easily when it's not their turn and are usually just waiting to speak up again as soon as possible. Of course, you can never really respond to the other person in this way and play the balls back and forth, as it should be in a conversation. But in solo juggling, nobody can fool the lion.


The Virgo has almost the opposite problem from Cancer when it comes to communicating: She is often so clear and efficient in her statements that other people may have difficulty following her. Of course, to speak – i.e. to pack ideas, information or stories into words and sentences – we mainly use our mind and our ability to abstract. But in order for something to get through to our counterpart (and get stuck …), an emotional component is always required. It is sometimes extremely difficult for virgins to give enough space.