Horoscope: These 4 zodiac signs are running away from their happiness

These zodiac signs are running away from happiness

© Ira Shpiller / Shutterstock

Some people are afraid of being happy. You can read here which zodiac signs are particularly often affected by this fear of happiness according to the horoscope.

For many people, happiness is one of their constant goals in life. For some, moments of happiness and joy are what make their life pleasant and valuable, and most of the time we make decisions about which would make us happiest.

But there are people who are afraid of feeling happy. Who of the so-called Fear of happiness is affected, fears and dampens positive emotions, for example with thoughts like do I even deserve it? I’m sure I will soon experience great misfortune for it or other people will surely envy me when they hear about it. This phenomenon can be triggered by corresponding experiences, personality traits such as the need to control, ambition and performance-based thinking Fear of happiness favor. Serious anxiety about happiness is often associated with depression or anxiety disorders.

In theory, everyone can Fear of happiness develop, with the following zodiac signs the probability is mostly higher due to their typical personality requirements.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs run away from happiness


Capricorns have a very strong need for control and independence. When they are happy, their positive feelings are often clouded by the fact that they do not know or have no control over how long their happiness will last. In addition, they often feel vulnerable and insecure when they let go and give in to their happiness.


With Aries, it is often ambition and high standards that prevent them from accepting happiness and experiencing liberation. Some Aries always feel that they need to achieve and achieve even more. You rush from one destination to another without ever feeling happy and arrived. They think they are chasing their luck, but in truth they are running away from it.


Many Virgos have a tendency to always look for the fly in the ointment. For them there is no perfect and also no perfect happiness, in their eyes everything positive has a catch. Those affected may feel that this attitude is protecting themselves from disappointments and illusions. But first and foremost, they are denying themselves real happiness.


Scorpios are mostly very suspicious people, so happiness scares some of them. They fear that others will envy them and hate them for their happiness. They fear that happiness will always be followed by calamity, so that the balance of the universe can be restored. And they fear that happiness will make them inattentive and impotent, spoil them if they surrender to it. This is why some Scorpios avoid happiness and thereby subconsciously sabotage themselves.

Source used: Spektrum.de


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