Horoscope: These 5 zodiac signs have the greatest influence on the lunar eclipse on May 26th

The lunar eclipse on May 26th has a special effect on 5 zodiac signs

© AstroStar / Shutterstock

We don’t get to see them in Europe, but we will definitely feel them: You can read here which zodiac signs will have a particularly strong influence on the lunar eclipse on May 26th according to the horoscope.

Super moon, flower moon, lunar eclipse – the full moon in May has it all! On Wednesday, May 26th at noon, our moon is directly opposite the sun, the earth again exactly in between. The full May moon is traditional in German-speaking countries Blissful moon named after the old German term “wunni” for joy. The Algonquians, a North American indigenous people, were inspired by the nature that blooms around them at this time of year when they were named: With them the full moon in May is called “Flower Moon”.

Just like in April, the distance between the moon and earth is now particularly small, so again we are dealing with a super moon, which seems particularly large to us on the nights from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Wednesday to Thursday. But in contrast to April, this time the moon will temporarily disappear completely in the shadow of the earth – there will be a total lunar eclipse, which is best observed in East Asia, Australia, Oceania, North and South America. However, we will also feel the event in Europe – and according to the horoscope this is especially true for the following zodiac signs.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs have a particularly strong influence on the lunar eclipse on May 26th


Aquarius becomes particularly spontaneous, decisive and rigorous under the influence of the lunar eclipse. Sometimes the air sign surprises itself with the decisions it makes – and with the ease it shows.


In Pisces, the lunar eclipse sharpens the sixth sense, that is, the receptivity to everything immaterial, symbolic, metaphysical. In other respects, too, it is above average with the watermark, but now it can rely on it even more than on its five classic senses.


According to the horoscope, impatience and restlessness stir in people with the zodiac sign Cancer in the course of the lunar eclipse. An indefinable fear makes the watermark irritable and sensitive, at the same time it is busy and constantly electrified.


Libra are literally given wings by the lunar eclipse. The air sign now finds the courage to believe in its own abilities and talents, which leads to the fact that it also considers more daring possibilities and opportunities to take into account. Even with routine tasks, scales now live creatively, which is why they have a lot of joy and fun in what they do, no matter how mundane and everyday.


Sagittarius are the most affected of all by the lunar eclipse in their sign. The fire sign uses the opportunity to look back and now recognizes particularly clearly one’s own strengths, one’s own role and significance and one’s own share in the course of his life so far. This extensive knowledge motivates most shooters to take an active and targeted approach to shaping their future. Courage, confidence and zest for life shape his decisions and his mood.

Sources used: timeanddate.de, mondkalender-online.de, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope
