Horoscope: These are the lucky ones of the week from June 21st to 27th

Those are the lucky ones of the week from June 21st to 27th

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Summer solstice, June bootids, strawberry moon – you can read here which zodiac signs according to the horoscope can expect a particularly beautiful week from June 21st to 27th.

After a few quieter days, the week from June 21st to 27th is already a tough one from an astrological point of view: On Monday we celebrate the brightest or longest day of the year with the summer solstice. From Tuesday the June Bootids begin, which will mainly have an effect on sensitive, very spiritually inclined people, but as we know: we are all connected to one another. What moves a few of us has an indirect influence on each of us. The June Bootids reach their peak on Sunday, June 27th. On June 24th, on Thursday, the full moon is again, this month it is called Strawberry Moon. And as if all of that wasn’t enough, an upcoming meeting of Venus and Pluto upsets us emotionally. The following zodiac signs can expect a wonderful week from June 21st to 27th, despite or thanks to the chaos in our universe.

Horoscope: These are the lucky ones of the week from June 21st to 27th


This week, fishing succeeds particularly well in accepting that they cannot force other people to be happy – but that they can contribute a great deal to their own. As a result, it is now easier for the watermark to differentiate itself than usual and to trust its loved ones that they can take care of themselves and actively ask for help when they need it. This allows fish to focus on themselves and pursue their own needs and interests. And nobody feels patronized. This promotes harmony and lifts the mood around the watermark.


Taurus are extremely cool this week and won’t let anyone or anyone stress them. The earth sign now has a clear view and can very well distinguish between important and unimportant, but exaggerated things. This sovereignty and callousness saves a lot of energy, which the Taurus can invest in private matters and personal relationships. That looks a lot like a great time – for Taurus and those who are now dealing with them.


Sagittarius feel energetic, confident, and free this week. The fire sign is ready to give up habits and structures in order to move forward, even if they convey a sense of security. Anything that does not serve to fulfill one’s own dreams and wishes ultimately stands in the way, security or not. A look back at previous decisions and experiences can give courage and strengthen the self-confidence of the Sagittarius: Has it ever been wrong to trust your own intuition and take risks? Or has it not proven itself every time?

Source used: BRIGITTE-Zweiwochenhoroskop, astrocorner.de, vollmond.info
