Horoscope: These zodiac signs are inspired by the wolf moon on January 18th

The wolf moon on January 18 inspires these zodiac signs

The January full moon on January 17, 2022 also has the mystical name Wolf Moon.


January 18th is halftime in the current lunar cycle, in other words: full moon. You can read here which zodiac signs can benefit from this according to the horoscope.

During the day it is mostly dark, but the nights are now getting light: On the night of Tuesday, January 18th, a full moon shines in our sky and marks the halfway point in the current Capricorn moon cycle. The full moon phase reaches its climax at 0.51 a.m. in our time zone.

In German-speaking countries, the January full moon is traditionally called Hartung or Hartmond, inspired by the usually hard, frozen ground. In the North American culture, the hungry lurking wolves seem to have made a bigger impression: The Algonquin, an indigenous people of Canada, christened the first full moon of the year Wolf Moon.

What does the Cancer full moon do for us?

The Capricorn moon cycle is all about personal development, which can mean a reorientation for some people, cleaning out and letting go for others, and a confrontation with yourself for others. In this context, the full moon in Cancer sheds special light on the sensitive, sometimes sore points that need to be treated and overcome in this process. It’s not necessarily fun or pleasant. But necessary and helpful.

In combination with Pluto, the full moon can sometimes show us a side of ourselves that we don’t really want to know. A side that favors revenge over forgiveness and success over carelessness. A dark side that lurks like a hungry wolf in winter to strike and possess us. But if we know about this side of us, it will be easier for us to live with it. Not constantly fighting them, but exploring them, listening curiously. With the constant intention to understand them.

According to the horoscope, the Cancer full moon will have a particularly positive effect on the following zodiac signs.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs are inspired by the wolf moon on January 18th


For Gemini, the full moon shows with sometimes brutal clarity that they must set boundaries in order to protect their own identity and well-being. Your (emotional) energy is limited, so you cannot invest it arbitrarily in other people, but have to learn to budget and prioritize. But if you do it once, someone feels it no If you say it clearly, you will feel how good it is for you – and how much energy you get back just by setting limits.


Cancers realize in the light of the full moon that some of their ideas about themselves come from outside and how much they actually influence and manipulate them. You don’t want to be dictated to who you are and how you should behave. But to a certain extent you do or have done it. Now it’s time to draw your own self-image. Who are you and who do you want to be? The answer tells you what to do.


For Virgos, the Wolf Moon sheds a special light on their strengths and assets. You just feel grateful now – for being you. In fact, you can be. Not only in strong moments, but also in weak ones.

Sources used: elitedaily.com, mondrausch.com, timeanddate.de


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