Horoscope: These zodiac signs suffer from the new moon on March 24th

Tuesday, March 24th is new moon. This means that it is particularly dark at night, since we then only see the side of our moon facing away from the sun. We are now revealing which zodiac signs particularly suffer according to the horoscope.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs suffer from the new moon on March 24th


Aquarians plunge into new emotions. As an air sign, Aquarius is creative and loves freedom, so the current restrictions make it difficult for him. Then also darkness? That is really too much right now! Try to reflect on the bright spots in this crisis, see how everyone sticks together and shows consideration for one another! We now have to be strong for a few weeks and pull together – and then the moon will soon shine down on us again.


Fish usually like to be dark at night, but the current situation and isolation make the watermark very difficult. You feel lonely and listless and it is harder than usual to think about the positive. Try to establish a routine that works for you. Think about challenges, set goals, plan something beautiful every day and communicate as much as possible with your loved ones. Even if you feel lonely and now even abandoned by the moon – you are not alone! (Maybe our tips will help you how to keep in touch during the time of social distancing ?!)


Weighing scales are among the greatest optimists of all times and are keeping their positive attitude even in this crisis. Totally strong! Towards the new moon, however, you have a small low, which is not bad at all. Let it go and get out, you don't always have to build everyone up. Nevertheless, try to encourage yourself again. Listen to the birds outside, watch the first insects fly by the window, dance to your good mood playlist. After all, you know how to make the best of a difficult situation – but if you need more inspiration: We have 16 ideas on how you can make your time at home positive.