Horoscope: These zodiac signs will be overtaken by their past in September

These zodiac signs will be overtaken by their past in September

© Zolotarevs / Shutterstock

Our past has brought us to where we are now. You can read here which zodiac sign she is getting in the way of this month.

It is an illusion that we could ever leave our past behind us, put a line under it and start over. Everything that we have experienced shapes us. Everything we have done, decided and felt in the past has made us who we are now, brought us into the situation we are in now.

Sometimes the past becomes present again with such force that we feel as if we have been transported to another time. Be it that we become aware of something that has so far only shaped us unconsciously. Be it that certain patterns from our past suddenly no longer fit into our lives and stand in our way. Be it that we feel something that awakens a memory. There are many different ways that our past can catch up with us. The following three zodiac signs will meet at least one person in September.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs will catch up with their past in September


Capricorns could be doing very well right now – were it not for those guilt feelings that prevent them from enjoying their happiness. Where are you from? Where does this belief come from that you must earn love and contentment to accept it? Tracing the origin of this belief will be inevitable this month – in order to be able to welcome the present and future with open arms.


Always being well adjusted, showing consideration for others, just not attracting attention – many of us noticed this as children and it shaped some of our behavioral patterns. Under the influence of Saturn, Aquarians have the chance (and the task) to face this imprint and to free themselves from it. You are special and that’s a good thing. You are now strong and confident enough to endure and stand by the fact that you are unique. An encounter with your former self in the second half of September will help you to recognize this.


This month virgins get the chance to surpass themselves and to develop – professionally and / or privately. However, there is one more thing you need to do first: explain to your inner child that being humble is not always the right and appropriate attitude. You don’t always have to please everyone else without expecting thanks. Also think of yourself and be proud of what you are and what you feel without feeling guilty. You are no longer a child, after all, and there is no need to act like one other than your habit.

Source used: Brigitte two-week horoscope
