Horoscope: This is how your weekend from 31.1. until 2.2.2020

January is a quiet end, but the cosmological tensions that February will bring are already in the air (you can find out more in our February horoscope). What does that mean for your weekend? Let us now reveal!

Horoscope: This is how your weekend from 31.1. until 2.2.2020


Ibex can really enjoy this weekend (and should be!). Sleep in, have a tasty breakfast – do yourself something good and look back with pride on everything you have already done in January. Otherwise, the days off are ideal for making clear ships at home and cleaning up.


Even if the weather is bad, the weekend is perfect for aquarians to do something! Get to know new people, try something new – each input hits the most fertile ground. Maybe a spontaneous short trip to another city? Any kind of variety is most welcome.


Fish can have a positive impact on their fellow human beings this weekend. The prerequisite for this is that they approach others. If you feel like retreating and being alone right now, here is some well-meaning advice: Spend your time with a person who not only takes – but also gives something back to you.


Aries already feel the cosmic tension in the air and feel agitated and restless. Try to use your energy for something meaningful, e.g. B. arrange sports, house cleaning, papers, otherwise it can easily turn into aggression.


The earth sign Taurus has a particularly strong need for closeness and cosiness – and can confidently pursue that! Grab your loved one, cook yourself something nice and watch a not too demanding series (or something) together. Thirst for action and discipline get back to you faster than you suspect.


Twins could go into the weekend very relaxed, because they haven't left anything or burned anything this week. But something upsets them … and they don't know what. Is there maybe someone more sensitive than you thought? The upcoming planetary tensions obviously do not leave the air sign without a trace. Use the weekend to collect yourself, rethink your routines and be clear about your goals. Writing a diary can help!


Crabs find it difficult to express themselves clearly at the weekend – and to make matters worse, the watermark is extremely sensitive and thin-skinned. It might be a good idea to treat yourself to a little me-time and spoil yourself. Otherwise there is a risk of arguments with possibly sustainable consequences.


Lions have power for ten right now! Somehow, the fire sign currently manages to do justice to everyone who is important to him and still not neglect his duties. Nevertheless, you should be careful, because your powers are limited! So look and let someone take care of you.


At the weekend, virgins are slowly but surely beginning to realize that they may have planned a little too much for this year. They already feel exhausted and things are growing over their heads. To make matters worse: Now you see that the people around you are a weaker support than expected …


Scales are currently threatening to get into a fairway in which they believe they have to do everything on their own. But that's not true, because you have a strong social network that you can rely on! Use the weekend to remember it and do something with dear, familiar people who are good for you. Couples should make themselves comfortable for two – or maybe go on a date with the sweetheart again?


The scorpion was challenged in several places this week – this makes him dissatisfied because he has the feeling that he has not completed anything 100 percent. Use the weekend to match your perception with reality. Talk to a good friend, write a diary, reflect on your week. Then you can start again motivated and refueled next Monday – instead of aggressive and impatient …


At the moment, everything is not going as smoothly as usual when it comes to shooting, and this is extremely annoying to the fire sign. Do not push yourself too much at the weekend, try to find your happiness in the little joys and be patient and tolerant with yourself – then you can climb all the higher at the next high!

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